Saturday, September 30, 2017

A Boy Named Jesus. Genesis 7:5 NLT

I wanted to share with you a time David and I did everything as the LORD commanded. 

It was Saturday afternoon,  July 4th weekend in 2005. David and I usually went to church Saturday evening. I didn't want to go and was trying to convince David we should stay home. He insisted we go, so we went. 

As we waited for service to start I read the bulletin. "Christian Family Care Agency is looking for foster families" it said. I showed it to David and asked him if he wanted to be a foster father. He said " Yes" and took the bulletin from me. Surely he hadn't heard me correctly. Service started. 

After service we discussed it and decided it was time to look into fostering or adopting. After visits to agencies, we decided to adopt instead of foster. We started the long process of paperwork, interviews and inspections. Through the entire process we let the Lord lead. He led us to adopt an older child through the state. You know, those kids in foster care no one wants. 

When our family and friends found out what we were doing, they thought we were nuts. They didn't mind telling us we were either. "Adopt an infant", "you have no experience with children", "adopt a foreign baby" and the one that hurt the most came from my Father "you have no business adopting an older child" .

But we did as the LORD commanded. We let the LORD lead. He gave us a boy named Jesus. 

Noah faced ridicule, so did we. Noah faced mockery, so did we. Noah was probably laughed at, we probably were too. Noah did it anyway so did we. 

I doubt Noah regretted it, either did we. 

Genesis 7:5 NLT 

5 So Noah did everything as the LORD commanded him.  

Blessings, Cecilia

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