Thursday, September 21, 2017

Little Sins to Open the Backdoor!

*“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the
Holy One is understanding.* - Prov 9:10. There are many people who do not
walk in the fear of the Lord, and in all honesty, I am one of those people.
I do fear God, but not as much as I believe that I should. I read a meme
that said, "STOP WITH THE EXCUSES! We as Christian's need to stop using the
"God is still working on me" line as an excuse to continue to justify doing
the things we know are displeasing to God." I asked a question, "Between
1-10, how much do you fear God? 10 is extreme". Most answers were 10's and
there was an 11. If so many people "Fear God" than why are things the way
they are? I know of people that are so caught up in what they want, that
they have forgotten about Whom they serve and why. Marriages are falling
apart, children are neglected and pushed aside, broken people are
abandoned, people are starving, sin is rampant with out conviction. Pride,
selfishness and the enemy seem to be in the forefront of the cause of these
problems. Everyone has little sins that they deal with and those little
sins are offensive to God as well. Charles Spurgeon wrote - “When Satan
cannot get a great sin in he will let a little one in, like the thief who
goes and finds shutters all coated with iron and bolted inside. At last he
sees a little window in a chamber. He cannot get in, so he puts a little
boy in, that he may go round and open the back door. So the devil has
always his little sins to carry about with him to go and open back doors
for him, and we let one in and say, ‘O, it is only a little one.’ Yes, but
how that little one becomes the ruin of the entire man!” I would like all
who have made it this far to read and think on Prov 9:10 in the Amplified,
*The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him
as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of wisdom [its
starting point and its essence], And the knowledge of the Holy One is

understanding and spiritual insight.*

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