Saturday, September 2, 2017

Just right. Genesis 1:1-2

I did a lot of reading yesterday and this morning trying to figure out how best to explain Genesis 1:1-2. In the end, David Guzik said it best.

"God created: Inherent in the idea of God is that He is an  intelligent designer. Only an intelligent designer could create a just-right universe, not “chance.” Our universe is a just-right universe. 

1) The universe has a just-right gravitational force. 

·  If it were larger, the stars would be too hot and would burn up too quickly and too unevenly to support life 

·  If it were smaller, the stars would remain so cool, nuclear fusion would never ignite, and there would be no heat and light 

2) The universe has a just-right speed of light. 

·  If it were larger, stars would send out too much light 

·  If it were smaller, stars would not send out enough light 

3) The universe has a just-right average distance between the stars. 

·  If it were larger, the heavy element density would be too thin for rocky planets to form, and there would only be gaseous planets 

·  If it were smaller, planetary orbits would become destabilized because of the gravitational pull from other stars 

5) The universe has a just-right polarity of the water molecule. 

·  If it were greater, the heat of fusion and vaporization would be too great for life to exist 

·  If it were smaller, the heat of fusion and vaporization would be too small for life’s existence, liquid water would become too inferior a solvent for life chemistry to proceed, ice would not float, leading to a runaway freeze-up 

We could conclude that there is  no chance that such a universe could create itself, apart from an intelligent designer. 


Genesis 1:1-  NLT 

The Account of Creation 

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.   2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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