Monday, September 11, 2017

A Spring Thing. Genesis 2:6 NLT

I believe the hurricanes, forest fires and earthquakes happening in the world are mans fault. There, I said it. Now for the reason why, and stay with me, you may end up agreeing with me. 

You see, Genesis 2:6 tells us  "Instead, springs came up from the ground and watered all the land.". We will see later in Genesis the first rain in the time of Noah, until then, it was a spring thing that kept everything well watered.

With well watered vegetation, there would be no forest fire's (and no lightning to start them, since there were no rain storms). And the earthquake part? I'm just guessing with the harmony on top of the earth, there wouldn't be turmoil inside the earth. After all, Genesis tells us God created everything for our enjoyment, why would He allow a destructive force like an earthquake in the perfect world He created? 

Everything changed as a result of the original sin, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, and continued until the world was so wicked and so evil, God decided it was time for a "do over". He then wiped out everyone except Noah and his family because they were the only people left who were righteous. 

So yes, it is mans fault. 

Blessings, Cecilia 

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