Monday, September 11, 2017

You shall be holy!

I want to live a life that is Holy! It is written in *1Pet1:14 [Live] as
obedient children [of God]; do not be conformed to the evil desires which
governed you in your ignorance [before you knew the requirements and
transforming power of the good news regarding salvation]. 15 But like the
Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves in all your conduct [be set
apart from the world by your godly character and moral courage]; 16 because
it is written, “You shall be holy (set apart), for I am holy.”* To
surrender oneself to God whole heartily is not easy, and to let go of the
cares and desires of this world can be difficult as well. The apostle Paul
may not of lived a perfect life, he probably had battles that only he and
God knew about, but one thing that I can see through the scriptures is that
he knew what kind of life he was to lead, and that was one of example, to
everyone that saw him. He wrote in, *Phil3:17 Brothers and sisters,
together follow my example and observe those who live by the pattern we
gave you. 1Cor4:16 So I urge you, be imitators of me [just as a child
imitates his father]. 1Cor11:1 Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.*
Brethren as we learn more everyday of how God loves us, we must show that
love to our world and to the people that we encounter everyday. May our God
help us live by Jesus' example, by Holy Spirit's power, a life that is
pleasing and glorify to God the Father. May all His children be able to say
boldly, Follow me as I follow Jesus! Charles Spurgeon wrote, "Nearness to
God brings likeness to God. The more you see God, the more of God will be
seen in you". Everyone needs to see God's example and reflection, and may
it be seen in and through all of His children.


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