Thursday, October 6, 2016

The day we had Jesus removed from our home. James 1:2-4

James 1 NASB
2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Now, I don't know about you, but I do not consider it joy when I encounter trials in my life. I have learned though, that the way I handle those trials using my faith has made the trials less stressful. When I hand the trials over to God and let Him work it out, accepting His will in the resolution, I relinquish control and rely on His solution. After all, He does know what's best for me and others involved. 

During the summer of 2012 our son Jesus, who was 16, was completely out of control. He had not completed 9th grade and was suppose to work on his GED. We could not trust him on our home computer so he was told to use the public library to work towards his degree. He had a job but was lying to us about his work hours. He also had a girlfriend he was seeing sometimes secretly. 

Jesus was 5'6" and 220 lbs of pure muscle. He had a violent temper and already had a history of destruction of property and domestic violence against us. We had informed Jesus the next incident he would be removed from our home. 

Life at home was quite unbearable. I was in fear for my safety. We kept doors locked and cell phones on us at all times. During this time I had been praying to God for a solution. I did not know how or when he would answer that prayer but I had faith eventually he would. I told God I could no longer live like this and to please resolve the turmoil.

One evening Jesus was going to a swim meet for his girlfriend. He was meeting her and her mother there riding his bike to the event. After he left on his bike I discovered he had been watching an inappropriate movie on Netflix. He had circumvented our security while I was in the shower. I called the mother and asked her to bring him straight home after the meet. 

The evening got later and later and no Jesus. We placed a blanket and pillow on the patio, locked the doors and went to bed. The next day I informed Jesus he had lost privileges. I locked up his bike and told him he could not leave the property. While making a phone call Jesus had gone outside. 

After he had been outside for a time I went to see what he was up to. I found saguaro and barrel cactus hacked to pieces from a metal strap he had found in the yard. That was the final straw. I called the sheriff and had Jesus arrested for destruction of property. We did not allow Jesus back into our home. 

God had resolved my turmoil. He answered my prayer, not in a way I expected or imagined, not even in a way I wanted but in a way that was best for everyone involved. He had been listening. He loved me and cared for me. He knew I had had enough. 

Today if you are in turmoil, hand it over to God. Pray for His resolution and His will. He knows what's best and is listening.

Please pray for Jesus. He is 20 years old now. He just became a father and has not seen his son. Jesus is in jail for domestic violence against the mother of his son. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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