Thursday, October 20, 2016

2 Corinthians 11 How will you be remembered?

7Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you without charge? 8I robbed other churches by taking wages from them to serve you; 9and when I was present with you and was in need, I was not a burden to anyone; for when the brethren came from Macedonia they fully supplied my need, and in everything I kept myself from being a burden to you, and will continue to do so. 10As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia.11Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do!

Paul's example was to preach the Gospel without charging wages, without being a burden and with the love of Christ. How was Paul able to do this? His ministry was supported by other churches and they supplied his every need.

Do you support ministries? I've heard it said when we leave this earth and enter heaven those whom we brought to Christ greet us as we enter. Could those lost souls greet us from the ministries we supported? God only knows.

How many souls do you think may greet you when you enter heaven?
Brethren, I believe we will look back at our "vapor of a life" on earth and wish we had done more for the kingdom of God. 
It's not too late if you are reading this! Support a ministry, talk to someone about Jesus, care for the widows and orphans. Do these things before your "vapor" burns out.
James 4:14 You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke (vapor) that appears for a short time and then vanishes. Net Bible

How will you be remembered? 

Blessings, David 
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