Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Forgiven, Forgotten and Buried. James 5:19-20

James 5 NASB
19 My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
I have a confession to make. One of the reasons I first started this daily study was to "target" people in my life I was hoping to bring to Jesus. The reality was they weren't even reading them. 
Another reason I started this daily study and including all of you was to hold me accountable to read the Bible daily. That is still true.
What I am discovering through this daily study is how much I am learning. I think that's the real reason God placed it in my heart to do this study, to teach me although , I pray you are learning as well 
Take today's scripture for instance. We can share the Gospel, teach the truth, explain salvation in perfect understanding to the hearer but it's their heart that needs to make the conversion to be saved. We just deliver the news, Jesus is the one who reels them in. 
In reading commentaries this morning I discovered that "cover a multitude of sins" speaks not only of forgiving and forgetting but of burying. Not only does Jesus forgive our sins, not only does He forget our sins but our sins are buried so deep that Satan cannot bring them up to accuse us. That's awesome! I always wondered about that. I knew God forgives and forgets but I wondered if Satan could remind God of our sins. Here's the answer, NO! 
So if you wonder if God has forgiven you, the answer is YES! If you wonder if God has forgotten your sins the answer is YES! If you wonder if Satan can use those sins in the future to remind God the answer is NO! They are buried, they are gone, they can no longer be used against you. 
Isn't that awesome? 
Blessings, Cecilia

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