Saturday, October 15, 2016

How do you worship God?

Psalms96:9 Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; Tremble [in
submissive wonder] before Him, all the earth. John4:24 God is spirit [the
Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must
worship in spirit and truth.”

Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission (Webster's
Dictionary,1828). These days are not much different from biblical times and
there are many different things that people worship. I have seen and
participated in the worship of people, money, lust, popularity, etc. When
it comes to worshiping God, people often bring the worldly thoughts of
worship into the church. They believe that if they give, offer time in
service, go out and attempt big things in Jesus name, that is worship. We
are to worship simply in the splendor of His holiness and in spirit and
truth. Worship is not a show on stage but a matter of the heart that is
submissive and obedient to God. Sometimes the most powerful way to worship
is laying face down, broken before the Lord, knowing that He is God and you
are not.


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