Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What season of life are you in?

Eccl3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or
purpose under heaven 2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant
and a time to pluck up what is planted...

What season in life are you in right now? Yesterday I was blessed to be
able to go to the Southwest Pastors and Leaders conference. It was on,
Seasons of a Shepherd. As I sat there, many different topics were
discussed. There are many different "Seasons" that our Pastors have, just
like we have. Seasons of doubt, fear, loneliness, sin, disqualification,
restoration, enemy attacks, sheep attacks. The main things that stuck with
me were, to stay in the word, stay in prayer and stay in fellowship.
Whether you are a leader in the church or someone in the congregation, we
must remember that we are in a war. There is a battle going on for souls.
The enemy's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. I see this happening
because of the distractions of the world and many of God's people are
getting sidetracked. Jesus is coming back, He said it and I believe it.
Whatever your next season is, may the Lord Jesus be in the center of it,
whether stormy or blessing. Know that you are not alone. Jesus loves you
and I love you too.


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