Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Gods word is truth!

2 Timothy 2:15 Study *and* be eager *and* do your utmost to present
yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to
be ashamed, correctly analyzing *and* accurately dividing [rightly handling
and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.

Is reading God's word a priority for you or just filler? I read in the
morning and a little at night. My days are long and my nights are usually
short. There is only 24 hours in a day and I seem to fill up most of them
with something else. There are many different reasons to read the Bible.
Some people read for the love of God and to get to know Him better. Others
read to become more knowledgeable and get wisdom. Sometimes to learn how to
minister to others. God's word is Truth - John 17:17, Profitable - 2
Timothy 3:16, A Lamp for my Feet - Ps119:105, Endures Forever - 1 Peter
1:25. And so much more. As we get in to the Word, the Word will get into
us. Heavenly Father, please give all of Your children a deep love for Your
Word. Gives us understanding and wisdom. Give us boldness to preach the
Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone we come across. Prepare
us for the battles ahead by knowing the battle manual. In Jesus name. And
all of God's people sad, amen.


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