Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Honesty and Integrity

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance and dishonest business practices are
extremely offensive to the Lord, But an accurate scale is His delight.

Honesty and integrity are very important to me, and yet it seems that to
many others it is becoming more and more rare. Being fair in business is
about being fair to the customer, being fair to the business and being fair
to the employees. Many people have developed an attitude of entitlement.
When something does not go just right there is a feeling, "You owe me".
These people do not want what is fair, they want more than that, they want
it all. What is even more sad is when the people that want "more" are
claiming to be Christians. They start praising God for being able to take
advantage of a situation. We all need money to survive. God has delight in
honesty and integrity. There is no amount of money to me that is worth
displeasing God. We will all stand before God one day and stand face to
face with Jesus. May Holy Spirit give us the conviction of heart to live a
life that glorifies God in all that we do, in Jesus name, amen.


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