Monday, March 13, 2017

Have you been offended?

Acts17:2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them (Thessalonicans),
and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures...11 These
(Bereans) were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they
received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to
find out whether these things were so.

I want to apologize to anyone that has been offended by the devotionals and
questions that I post. It has never been my purpose to offend and it has
never been my purpose not to offend. Recently, there have been a few people
that have gotten carried away with opinions and thoughts that caused
division and arguments. Some of these people were rude and did not want to
"reason" from the scriptures. Some of these people I have had to remove as
"friends" and another I had to block completely. I want to make something
perfectly clear, God's word, the Bible, is the authority. Everyone has an
opinion and they are not always right. The things I write are some of the
things going on in my life or the lives of others that I know. There are
many people that these words reach, some are believers and some are not.
For those that are not believers, if you have questions, please contact me
before you get upset and go off in a huff, and give me an opportunity to
clarify and explain. The apostle Paul went to "reason from the scriptures",
and the Bereans searched the scriptures daily to find the truth. May these
be the practice of all of God's children and also to walk in love. In Jesus
name, amen.


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