Saturday, March 25, 2017

Do you regret what you said?

There are many words that we say that we will remember forever. A few years
ago, right before my father passed away, the last time I saw him alive, we
read the bible, we laughed, we joked around, we talked. The last words that
I can remember saying to him were, "I love you" and "I will see you soon".
I knew his time was short here on the Earth, but I also knew without a
doubt where he was going. I have a dear friend, who did not have the same
blessing. His last words to his father were, "I hate you". Shortly after
that his father was stabbed at a bar, went to the hospital and died. For
most of us, the length of time that we have here on Earth is unknown. My
encouragement to all is to make sure that you love deep and do not waste
your time on the things of this world that have no eternal value. If you
are not doing what you know in your heart is right, what you know is best
for you and your loved ones, do it today before it is to late. My father
told my mother that he was sorry for the things he did and how he treated
her, and that if, if he could do it all over again, he would do it
different. May we live without a life of regrets and live life to the
fullest to love those around us with the love that God has shown us through
Jesus Christ. To all my family and "friends", know that Jesus loves you and
I love you too.
Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be
acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.


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