Friday, March 10, 2017

It is well with my soul!

Luke 22:42... “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine
wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.”

God's will not mine be done are words that seem easier to say than to trust
in and be enthused about. For me, I speak these words in the time of trial
and hardship. I look at the Lord Jesus when He was about to go to the cross
and ask, if there was any other way, and yet He was obedient to what was
coming. There are battles that I faced as a child that I still face today.
Battles of worthiness, brokenness, loneliness, fear, anxiety, and I ask God
to take all these from me. And yet they remain. There is a song by Mercy Me
entitled Even If, that has spoken peace into my life to my very soul. A few
of the lyrics are, "They say it only takes a little faith To move a
mountain Well good thing A little faith is all I have, right now But God,
when You choose To leave mountains unmovable Oh give me the strength to be
able to sing It is well with my soul". No matter what you are going
through, I pray that you know that God is with you and will carry you
through it. The Lord Jesus loves you and Holy Spirit will strengthen you to
endure. May we all say, It Is Well With My Soul, in Jesus name, amen.


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