Wednesday, March 22, 2017

He is the reason I'm alive!

Colossians 3:8 But now rid yourselves [completely] of all these things:
anger, rage, malice, slander, and obscene (abusive, filthy, vulgar)
language from your mouth.

Have you ever looked back over your life and realized that the only reason
that you are alive today is because of God? I know with all that I am, that
He is the reason I am alive. Before coming to know Jesus as my Lord and
Savior, I was not a good person. I came to Jesus when I was 36 years old. I
look back over my life and even at a young age, there were many things that
I did that were just plain wrong. I have seen God's fingerprint all over my
life. People look at me and who I am today, in Christ, as a peaceful,
loving person. One thing that I can tell you is that I know how to be
violent and I was good at it. For some, it is difficult to shake who they
are when they have their, "Come to Jesus" moment. There are many Bible
verses that instruct the believers as to what to do and what not to do.
Psalms 1, instructs us on what type of people to stay away from. Colossians
3, speaks of what we are to rid ourselves of. Reading instructions and
following them are not the same. As an established Christian in the church,
a few years back, I was drawn back into the person I was before. I was at
the point of preparing to kill someone and then kill my self. Brethren, may
God strengthen us all to follow Him with all that we are. No turning back.
In Jesus name, amen.


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