Friday, March 31, 2017

Nothing To Fear. ..Matthew 10:24-31 NKJV

Dying doesn't scare me, it's the getting dead part that makes me nervous. What are you afraid of? I was riding with someone in a car recently and they asked me if their driving made them nervous. To be polite, I said "no" but after I thought about it a moment I realized my answer really was "no". What's the worse that could happen? Death? That's not so bad. Being permanently maimed? God would use that for His glory too. When you trust God unconditionally there really isn't anything to fear.
 "Thank God, they may call us what they like, but they cannot make us evil…God was slandered in Paradise, and Christ on Calvary; how can we hope to escape?" (Spurgeon)
Matthew 10:24-31 NKJV
24 “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! 26 Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
27 “Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Blessings, Cecilia

1 Timothy 3 Put your house in order!

The Mystery of Godliness

14Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these things 15so that, if I am delayed, you will know how each one must conduct himself in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
16By common confession, the mystery of godliness is great:
He appeared in the flesh,
was vindicated by the Spirit,b
was seen by angels,
was proclaimed among the nations,
was believed in throughout the world,
was taken up in glory. 

How do you conduct yourself in Gods household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth? Does He not live in you?
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you to the age--
So if He is with you and in you, shouldn't you treat your body as the church, the temple of the living God?
How does the mystery of godliness strike you?
He appeared in the flesh,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was proclaimed among the nations,
was believed in throughout the world,
was taken up in glory.

Try reading it this way.
Jesus appeared in the flesh,
Jesus was vindicated by the Spirit,
Jesus was seen by angels,
Jesus was proclaimed among the nations,
Jesus was believed in throughout the world,
Jesus was taken up in glory.

Jesus will come back a second time,
Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him--even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen.

Put your house, your church and your temple in order. Tomorrow may be too late. Be ready and may you be blessed!

Blessings, David

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Courage to Stand!

Courageous - not deterred by danger or pain; brave. Courageous is also a
song by Casting Crowns that speaks to my heart on many different levels. A
few of the lyrics are, "We were warriors on the front lines Standing
unafraid But now we're watchers on the sidelines While our families slip
away Where are you, men of courage? You were made for so much more Let the
pounding of our hearts cry We will serve the Lord". There are many people
that are being caught up in the waves of earthly emotion and being swayed
by the world, and the scriptures say in, 1Cor16:13 Be on guard; stand firm
in your faith [in God, respecting His precepts and keeping your doctrine
sound]. Act like [mature] men and be courageous; be strong. There is a
group of us from the church I attend that goes into Mexico to build houses
for families in need. Someone asked me once, what will I do if something
happens, something bad? My response was simple, stand in front. Brethren,
may our God give us all COURAGE to STAND in the face of whatever comes our
way by the power of Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, amen.

It Still Happens Today. Matthew 10:16-23 NLT

Security cameras only captured the scuffling feet of at least five men as they pulled Pastor Raymond Koh from his Honda Accord and pushed him into a nearby SUV. The Feb. 13 abduction took less than a minute in broad daylight near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital city.
The abductors used three SUVs to force Raymond to stop his vehicle in the middle of the road. Masked men jumped out of the SUVs, grabbed him and stole his car. As his abductors sped away, video surveillance showed four other vehicles assisting the kidnappers by controlling traffic. Though at least 15 people were involved, police have been unable to locate any suspects.
Perfecto Padilla, 52, a dedicated church elder from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines, was brutally murdered by two Muslim men on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. local time.
Perfecto was resting outside his house in a hammock when two Muslim men came by on motorbikes and fired from approximately five metres away what was believed to be a 45-caliber pistol, witnesses said. He was struck by seven bullets. The assailants immediately fled the scene.
The birth of a healthy baby girl is usually a joyous occasion. But when Meriam Ibrahim gave birth to her daughter, Maya, on Tuesday, May 27, it triggered a two-year countdown to her execution.
On May 15, the 27-year-old Sudanese doctor was sentenced to death for apostasy by a Sudanese court. In addition, she is to endure 100 lashes for the crime of committing adultery—with her Christian husband. The judge ruled that the lashing would be carried out after she had recovered from delivering her baby and that her death by hanging would occur when her baby reached age two, so she would have time to nurse the infant.
During her trial, the judge asked the young woman three times to recant her Christian faith, but she refused each time.
Matthew 19:16-23 NLT
16 “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves. 17 But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with whips in the synagogues. 18 You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are My followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about Me.  19 When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. 20 For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
21 “A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be killed. 22 And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one town, flee to the next. I tell you the truth, the Son of Man will return before you have reached all the towns of Israel.
Blessings, Cecilia

1 Timothy 3 How will you be remembered?

Qualifications for Deacons
(Acts 6:1-7)
8Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to much wine or greedy for money. 9They must hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10Additionally, they must first be tested. Then, if they are above reproach, let them serve as deacons.
11In the same way, the womena must be dignified, not slanderers, but temperate and faithful in all things.
12A deacon must be the husband of but one wife, a good manager of his children and of his own household. 13For those who have served well as deacons acquire for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

As we can see a deacon has the same requirements as a pastor. But what is a deacon?

Deacon is a ministry in Christian Churches that is generally associated with service of some kind, but which varies among theological and denominational traditions. In many traditions the "diaconate", the term for a deacon's office, is a clerical office; in others it is for laity.

In our old church (Calvary Chapel) a deacon was a servant, serving in the background without any public exposure to his office. They assisted in the prayer room, they built homes for the poor, they assisted the poor at the church, they assisted in the "moving" ministry, they made regular visits to the sick, they visited the homeless shelters, they held biblical studies, they........ You get the point.
One in particular was a friend for years and later I discovered he was a deacon. He was a humble man never wearing his title. He performed all the above services I mentioned above. I called him Nehemiah, because he would call you out if you were out of line in your faith.
Nehemiah 5:9 Then I pressed further, "What you are doing is not right! Should you not walk in the fear of our God in order to avoid being mocked by enemy nations?
Like Nehemiah of the Old Testament he would build the wall, take an account of the people and set the pastors and elders on the right path.
You see, he had a business working with stone and cement, he built walls! He was and will be forevermore my Nehemiah!
A Godly man, a man of prayer always there for you giving you advice if you sought it and sometimes giving it if he saw something that wasn't right with God.

This is how I will always remember him.
How will you be remembered?
Blessings, David

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Do You Still Reject Him? Matthew 10:5-15

Jesus went to the Jews first and they rejected Him. Then He went to the Gentiles. Many still reject Him today. Do you?
5 Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, 6 but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep.
 7 Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received! 9 “Don’t take any money in your money belts—no gold, silver, or even copper coins. 10 Don’t carry a traveler’s bag with a change of clothes and sandals or even a walking stick. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve to be fed. 11“Whenever you enter a city or village, search for a worthy person and stay in his home until you leave town. 12 When you enter the home, give it your blessing. 13 If it turns out to be a worthy home, let your blessing stand; if it is not, take back the blessing. 14 If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave. 15 I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judgment day.
Blessings, Cecilia

How do you get your answers?

I know the verse, God is not the author of confusion but of peace,
1Cor14:33, and yet there are many times that I am so confused. I question
God as to the struggles that i go through and ask "why" do all these things
happen to me? I see other peoples lives from the outside and it seems as
though they are so blessed and yet many times it seems that I am fighting
an uphill battle everyday. Many people believe that God gives the fiercest
battles to His strongest soldiers, I disagree. I have seen the mightiest
warriors develop through life's toughest battles. I want to encourage any
that are confused and/or fighting a battle of the mind, heart or spirit. I
do not know your story, your struggle, but I want you to know with all that
you are that, God is faithful. When you are confused, look to the
scriptures for how to get your answers. Matt7:7 “Ask and keep on asking and
it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock
and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who
keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who
keeps on knocking, it will be opened."


1 Timothy 3 What is your calling?

1 Timothy 3
Berean Study Bible
Qualifications for Overseers
1This is a trustworthy saying: If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble task. 2An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not dependent on wine, not violent but gentle, peaceable, and free of the love of money.
4An overseer must manage his own household well and keep his children under control, with complete dignity. 5For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for the church of God? 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same condemnation as the devil. 7Furthermore, he must have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the snare of the devil.

Requirements of a pastor, this is wise and to the point. He must be above repute and manage his household and all affairs well. But there is one major thing that is not mentioned in these verses, one thing required by God to make a great pastor. He must be called into the profession by God. It must be His calling, because without it he will fail. The Holy Spirit will lead him and give him the words to preach, the bible verses to say, and with these He will open and draw the hearts of men to Him.

Yes, God has a calling for everyone. No mater what the task, great or small, one must be called in His service by God.
What is your calling?
Pray about it and see where He leads you.

Blessings, David

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Get into Your Word

Dear Heavenly Father, please help us, Your children to have an attitude of
gratitude in whatever situation we are in. Many of us are battling
physical, emotional and spiritual battles. For some of us, we are facing
financial hardship, dealing with sickness and/or the loss of a loved one.
Please help those of us that are lost and confused due to mental
challenges. Help all of us to get into Your Word and Your Word to get into
us. Bring to us remembrance of Your promises, to Never leave us or forsake
us, Deut 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5. Give us confidence that, Even though i (we)
walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I (we) fear no
evil, for You are with me (us), Psalms 24:4. Lord, help us to have true
understanding of what Jesus' death upon the cross is all about and never
take it for granted. Help us to walk in purity of mind, body and spirit.
Please fill us with Holy Spirit. And help us to live a life that shows
others Your glory living a life that shows our world that, This *is* the
day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps 118:24. In
Jesus precious and powerful name, and all of God's people say, amen.


The Calling. Matthew 10:1-4

On Sunday evenings David and I go to  a "Life Group". It's a group of people from our church who get together to further study the service teaching of that morning. More then that, it is a group of people who get together to support each other through life. We pray for each other and give each other courage and comfort when life gets rough. We also rejoice together in what God is doing in our lives. We are more than a group of people, we are family. We don't just communicate on Sunday evenings, we are in touch throughout the week. 
Jesus called together His "Life Group", His twelve to learn, support, encourage, pray and teach others about Him. 
Why these men? 
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 NIV
26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before Him. 
And why 12? 
"The apostolic number fitly represents the twelve tribes of Israel; and for practical purposes the twelve form a workable band of leaders, a sufficient jury, and a competent company of witnesses." (Spurgeon)
1 Jesus called His twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness.2 Here are the names of the twelve apostles:
first, Simon (also called Peter), then Andrew (Peter’s brother), James (son of Zebedee), John (James’s brother), 3 Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (the tax collector), James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, 4 Simon (the zealot), Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).
Blessings, Cecilia

1 Timothy 2 Instructions to Women

Instructions to Women
9Likewise, I want the women to adorn themselves with respectable apparel, with modesty, and with self-control, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, as is proper for women who profess to worship God.
11A womana must learn in quietness and full submissiveness. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man;b she is to remain quiet. 13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. 15Women, however, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Who am I to instruct women on the meaning of these verses? So today's commentary is from Pastor David Guzik, he was also Director of Calvary Bible College in Germany. It is long and I only added the comments that touched my heart. It may touch your heart differently so I urge you to read his whole outline so it will be complete. You will see in (iv.) below I added "bold" to the comment, I did this to emphasize the statement.

Blessings, David

 From David Guzik commentary:
a. In like manner also: The word also refers back to the statement that the men pray everywhere in 1 Timothy 2:8. Paul thought the principle of 1 Timothy 2:8 should apply in various congregations, and so should the principle in 1 Timothy 2:9.

b. That the women adorn themselves in modest apparel: This is how Christian women are supposed to dress, especially at their Christian meetings. The words propriety and moderation help explain what modest apparel is.

iii. How you dress reflects your heart. If a man dresses in a casual manner, it says something about his attitude. Likewise, if a woman dresses in an immodest manner, it says something about her heart.

c. But . . . with good works: The most important adornment is good works. If a woman is dressed in propriety and moderation, with good works, she is perfectly dressed. Good works make a woman more beautiful than good jewelry.

3. (11-12) Women are to show submission, and yield to the authority of the men God has appointed to lead in the church.

a. Let a woman learn in silence: This unfortunate translation has led some to believe that it is forbidden for women to even speak in church meetings. Paul uses the same word translated silence in 1 Timothy 2:2, and it is translated peaceable there. The idea is without contention instead of total silence.

i. In other places in the New Testament, even in the writings of Paul, women are specifically mentioned as praying and speaking in the church (1 Corinthians 11:5). To learn in silence has the idea of women receiving the teaching of the men God has chosen to lead in the church, with submission instead of contention.

ii. Submission is the principle; to learn in silence describes the application of the principle.

iii. Some have said the reason for this is because in these ancient cultures (as well as some present-day cultures), men and women sat in separate sections. The thought is that women interrupted the church service by shouting questions and comments to their husbands during the service. Clarke expresses this idea: "It was lawful for men in public assemblies to ask questions, or even interrupt the speaker when there was any matter in his speech which they did not understand; but this liberty was not granted to women."

c. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man: Paul's meaning seems clear. Women are not to have the role of teaching authority in the church. To be under authority is the principle; not teaching is the application.

d. I do not permit: The strength of Paul's wording here makes it challenging to obey this command in today's society. Since the 1970's, our culture has rejected the idea that there may be different roles for men and women in the home, in the professional world, or in the church. In this text (among others), the Holy Spirit clearly says there is a difference in roles.

i. But the cultural challenge must be seen in its true context - not just a struggle between men and women, but as a struggle with the issue of authority in general. Since the 1960's, there has been a massive change in the way we see and accept authority.

·        Citizens do not have the same respect for government's authority.
·        Students do not have the same respect for teacher's authority.
·        Women do not have the same respect for men's authority.
·        Children do not have the same respect for parental authority.
·        Employees do not have the same respect for their employer's authority.
·        People do not have the same respect for the police's authority.
·        Christians no longer have the same respect for church authority.

iii. It is fair to describe our present moral state as one of anarchy. There is no moral authority in our culture. When it comes to morality, the only thing that matters is what one wants to do. And in a civil sense, many neighborhoods in our nation are given over to anarchy. The government's authority is not accepted in gang-infested portions of our cities. The only thing that matters is what one wantsto do.

iv. We must see the broader attack on authority as a direct Satanic strategy to destroy our society and millions of individual lives. He is accomplishing this with two main attacks. First, the corruption of authority; second, the rejection of authority

a. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing: Many people regard this as one of the most difficult passages in the whole Bible. On the surface, it could be taken to mean that if a woman continues in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control, that God will bless her with survival in childbirth - which was no small promise in the ancient world.

d. She will be saved in childbearing: A better way to approach this passage is based on the grammar in the original Greek language. In the original, it says she will be saved in the childbirth. This has the sense, "Even though women were deceived, and fell into transgression starting with Eve, women can be saved by the Messiah - whom a woman brought into the world."

ii. The summary is this: Don't blame women for the fall of the human race; the Bible doesn't. Instead, thank women for bringing the Messiah to us.

e. Faith, love, and holiness, with self-control: Most of all, we should note these positives. They are all qualities God wants to be evident in women, and that women have effectively nurtured in their children through generations.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The riches of His Glory

Compromise comes in different degrees, from minimal to extreme. For the
Christian, we need to do all that we can to not have any in our lives. I
want all to know that I am not saying that I am sinless, but I am striving
to sin less. I think about the things that I did as a child and teenager,
and even do now, that I do not want anyone to know about, much less for
anyone to follow my example in, especially my children and grandchildren. I
have seen many "Christians", say, post, and do things that I am sure that
they would not want little ones, that are looking to follow an example
doing, and yet they do it and share it like a badge of honor. In Galatians
5:9, it says, "A little leven (sin), levens the whole lump". And in 2 Cor
6:17, it says, "“So come out from among unbelievers and be separate,”. When
we invite Jesus into our hearts we are to grow closer to Him and leave the
ways of the world behind. Two things we all should keep in mind, would we
really want those little ones following in our footsteps and are we truly
following in Jesus' footsteps?

Eph 3:16 May He grant you out of the riches of His glory, to be
strengthened and spiritually energized with power through His Spirit in
your inner self, [indwelling your innermost being and personality]


Busy Bee's. Matthew 9:35-38

I have a brother in law who is a bee keeper. He harvests the honey in the fall. It's a hobby he enjoys. 
Every bee in a colony has a specific job. Although it's the worker who produces the honey, the colony cannot survive without each type of bee performing the functions they were created to do. 
Workers are the smallest and constitute the majority of bees occupying the colony. "Workers have specialized structures, such as brood food glands, scent glands, wax glands, and pollen baskets, which allow them to perform all the labors of the hive. They clean and polish the cells, feed the brood, care for the queen, remove debris, handle incoming nectar, build beeswax combs, guard the entrance, and air-condition and ventilate the hive during their initial few weeks as adults. Later as field bees they forage for nectar, pollen, water, and propolis (plant sap)."
If every Christian worked as hard sharing the Gospel as bee's work in their colony producing honey, can you imagine the revival we would see world wide? 
Matthew 9:35-38
The Need for Workers
35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And He healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37He said to His disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.”
Blessings, Cecilia

1 Timothy 2 What is your appointment?

1 Timothy 2
Berean Study Bible
A Call to Prayer
1First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men 2for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave Himself as a ransom for all—the testimony that was given at just the right time.
7For this reason I was appointed as a herald, an apostle, and a faithful and true teacher of the Gentiles. I am telling the truth; I am not lying about anything. 8Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or dissension.

Do you understand this verse? "I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men 2for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity". Today in our country we see one political party trying to delegitimize the president and his election. They protest, chant, disrupt, squash free speech, and use violence.
Do you believe they are honoring God? God puts into authority whom He pleases.
Please pray that Gods will be done in our government. Please pray for peace.
This will be good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.

Are you troubled? Take your troubles in prayer to our mediator, the man Christ Jesus.
It is my desire the men and women everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or dissension.

I have an urgent prayer request! Please pray for Sandra, she has been in the hospital for two months following heart surgery. Two days ago she was sent to a rehab hospital. Yesterday she was sent back to the hospital with a collapsed lung and they believe she may be septic. Please pray for her and her family.

In verse seven Paul tells us his appointment, God has an appointment for you too, a purpose that will glorify God. What is your appointment?

Blessings, David

God moves stones Matthew 9:27-34

Why are all these stories of Jesus healing in the Bible? 
Romans 15:4 Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.
"The purpose of these stories is not to tell us what Jesus did. There purpose is to tell us what Jesus does. These are not just Sunday school stories. Not romantic fables. Not somewhere -over-the-rainbow illusions. They are historic moments in which a real God met real pain so we could answer the question "Where is God when I hurt?" ......I know there use to be a stone in front of the tomb. And I know it was moved. And I also know that there are stones in your path. Stones that trip and stones that trap. Stones too big for you. Please remember, the goal of these stories is not to help us look back in amazement, but forward with faith. The God who spoke still speaks. The God who forgave still forgives. The God who came still comes. He comes into our world. He comes into your world. He comes to do what you can't. He comes to move the stones you can't budge. Stones are no match for God. Not then and not now. He still moves stones. (From He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado)
Matthew 9:27-34
Jesus Heals the Blind
27 After Jesus left the girl’s home, two blind men followed along behind Him, shouting, “Son of David, have mercy on us!”
28 They went right into the house where He was staying, and Jesus asked them, “Do you believe I can make you see?”
“Yes, Lord,” they told Him, “we do.”
29 Then He touched their eyes and said, “Because of your faith, it will happen.” 30 Then their eyes were opened, and they could see! Jesus sternly warned them, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” 31 But instead, they went out and spread His fame all over the region.
32 When they left, a demon-possessed man who couldn’t speak was brought to Jesus. 33 So Jesus cast out the demon, and then the man began to speak. The crowds were amazed. “Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel!” they exclaimed.
34 But the Pharisees said, “He can cast out demons because He is empowered by the prince of demons.”
Blessings, Cecilia

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Mark12:30 And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole
heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all
your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and
out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal
commandment. 31 The second is like it and is this, You shall love your
neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

J.O.Y. - Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. Many people in today's
society live for the "unholy trinity", Me, Myself, and I. Everything is
about them and fulfilling their needs and they don't want to see the needs
of those around them. The people caught up in selfish desires have simple
needs in front of them, I am not talking about world hunger, human
trafficking, homelessness and the list goes on. I am talking about the
person who would rather go out with their friends to have some "me time"
because the family is to much. The ones who have young children who want
time with their parent but have to stay away because the cigarette is more
important. The spouse who is longing to be loved unconditionally by a
person who has time for everyone and everything else and puts conditions on
what is suppose to be the most important earthly relationship we are to
have. Priorities have definitely become messed up. The Bible has 613
commandments, the 2 greatest ones, the big 10, and 601 others. If we follow
the greatest ones, we will fulfill the rest.


1 Timothy 1 Who will you be handed over to?

God's Grace to Paul
12I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, that He considered me faithful and appointed me to service. 13I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent man; yet because I had acted in ignorance and unbelief, I was shown mercy. 14And the grace of our Lord overflowed to me, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
15This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. 16But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience, as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
18Timothy, my child, I entrust you with this command in keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight, 19holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and thereby shipwrecked their faith. 20Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.

I was formally a .......(fill in you sins here).

Gods Grace to David
I was formally a blasphemer, a persecutor, a violent man, a thief, a liar, lustful, a drunkard, a fornicaror, a sinner.........Yes I was and am a sinner! I thank God for Jesus Christ because without Him I have condemned myself by my sins! I was shown mercy!
The grace of our Lord overflowed to me, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

Repeat after me, Jesus Christ came into the world to save me of whom I am the worst! Sin is sin, it's all black and dark to God. Do be like the Pharisee who with pride prayed he was thankful he was not like this man!
The Pharisee and Tax Collector
9To some who trusted in their own righteousness and viewed others with contempt, He also told this parable: 10“Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like the other men—swindlers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and pay tithes of all that I receive.’
13But the tax collector stood at a distance, unwilling even to lift up his eyes to heaven. Instead, he beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner!’ 14I tell you, this man, rather than the Pharisee, went home justified. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Are you humble?

Brethren, "my child, I entrust you with this command in keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight, 19holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and thereby shipwrecked their faith."
Father, I pray that all those reading this devotional today will be humble, confess their sins to you, be strong in their faith of Jesus Christ and be never handed over to Satan. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Blessings, David

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Do you regret what you said?

There are many words that we say that we will remember forever. A few years
ago, right before my father passed away, the last time I saw him alive, we
read the bible, we laughed, we joked around, we talked. The last words that
I can remember saying to him were, "I love you" and "I will see you soon".
I knew his time was short here on the Earth, but I also knew without a
doubt where he was going. I have a dear friend, who did not have the same
blessing. His last words to his father were, "I hate you". Shortly after
that his father was stabbed at a bar, went to the hospital and died. For
most of us, the length of time that we have here on Earth is unknown. My
encouragement to all is to make sure that you love deep and do not waste
your time on the things of this world that have no eternal value. If you
are not doing what you know in your heart is right, what you know is best
for you and your loved ones, do it today before it is to late. My father
told my mother that he was sorry for the things he did and how he treated
her, and that if, if he could do it all over again, he would do it
different. May we live without a life of regrets and live life to the
fullest to love those around us with the love that God has shown us through
Jesus Christ. To all my family and "friends", know that Jesus loves you and
I love you too.
Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be
acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.


I am sorry Lord!

"I am sorry Lord", are words that I say more than I would like too and yet
I know that the reason I say them now is that I am more aware of my sin
than I have ever been before.There are things that I do that are not
pleasing to God. I remember a conversation I had where, I said some thing
that wasn't nice. Immediately I said, "Lord forgive me". Someone standing
there said that my problem was that I repented too quickly. To which I
responded, how can a person ever repent too quickly? Sometimes it seems as
though "the Cross" is not enough. I look at the pictures and images of
Jesus crucified and it does not affect me like I think it should. His back
ripped open by the whip, the crown of thorns, His nail pierced hands and
feet, His pierced side, the brutality of the cross, and it just does not
sink in. All four of the Gospel have the account of the people yelling
"Crucify Him". Sometimes I feel like I am one of the crowd. There is an
acronym that helps me to stay focused. H.A.L.T. Be careful when you are
Hungry, Angry, Lonely,Tired. The brutality of the cross should remind us of
how beautiful our Savior is. Praying for you my brethren.

Matthew 27:22 “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?”
 Pilate asked.They all answered, “Crucify him!”
Mark 15:13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.
Luke 23:21 But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.
John 19:6 Therefore, when the chief priests and officers saw Him, they
cried out, saying, “Crucify *Him,* crucify *Him!*”


Faith and Healing. Matthew 9:18-26

One time, someone said to me "And don't tell me 'If it's God's will'!" Well that's what I believe and that's what I say when I pray. 
Prayer can change outcomes.
In 1 Samuel 1 Hannah prayed for a child and God answered her prayer with Samuel, the last Judge of Israel. In 2 Kings 20 Hezekiah repented and prayed for healing and the Lord healed him. Throughout the New Testament we see Jesus heal many people of various illnesses. He even brought a few back to life. In contrast, we also see the Apostle Paul pray three times for healing and the Lord deny him healing three times. 
So why does the Lord heal some and not others? I don't know. What I do know though, healing is not in proportion to faith. 
Matthew 9:18-26
18 As Jesus was saying this, the leader of a synagogue came and knelt before Him. “My daughter has just died,” he said, “but You can bring her back to life again if You just come and lay Your hand on her.”
19 So Jesus and His disciples got up and went with Him. 20 Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind Him. She touched the fringe of His robe, 21 for she thought, “If I can just touch His robe, I will be healed.”
22 Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.
23 When Jesus arrived at the official’s home, He saw the noisy crowd and heard the funeral music. 24 “Get out!” He told them. “The girl isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.” But the crowd laughed at Him. 25After the crowd was put outside, however, Jesus went in and took the girl by the hand, and she stood up! 26 The report of this miracle swept through the entire countryside.
Blessings, Cecilia

1 Timothy 1 To be saved or not to be saved!

1 Timothy 1
Berean Study Bible

Paul's Greeting to Timothy
(2 Timothy 1:1-2)
1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,
2To Timothy, my true child in the faith:
Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

Warning against False Teaching
3As I urged you on my departure to Macedonia, you should stay on at Ephesus to instruct certain men not to teach false doctrines 4or devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculation rather than the stewardship of God’s work, which is by faith.
5The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith. 6Some have strayed from these ways and turned aside to empty talk. 7They want to be teachers of the Law, but they do not understand what they are saying or that which they so confidently assert.
8Now we know that the Law is good, if one uses it legitimately. 9We realize that law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinful, for the unholy and profane, for killers of father or mother, for murderers, 10for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching 11that agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

As we start the book of Timothy we see Paul was writing a letter to Timothy who was a true child in faith! I would believe because of this phrase Timothy was a young Christian still immature, a child in Christ.
Paul was concerned that the Christians we're falling back onto the Law. But what is the Law? The Law showed us our sins, it showed us we could not be sin-less and we needed another way to be right with God. And Paul describes the iniquities that Law points out.
If we are true to ourselves and perform a personal inventory you will find some of these iniquities in yourself!
Recently a brother in Christ mentioned another Christian told him he was sinless and didn't sin! I pointed out to him that there was only one sinless person on this earth and at that was Jesus. So, the person that stated he didn't sin, lied, so he just sinned!

Back to the point of this scripture, Christians can't have it both ways, you either accept the gift of salvation or follow the law! You can't add to what Christ did upon the cross! Who do they think they are, God? If they added, you must be circumcised to be truly saved, you must be baptized, you must go to church on the sabbath, you must dress a certain way, you must cut your hair, you must must......
Do you see the endless attributes to this point? Isn't this the reason Jesus came to this earth, for the salvation of sinners? How many man made laws did the Pharisees add to the Law? Didn't they try to trap Jesus by them? Can't heal on the sabbath, can pick wheat on the sabbath..... You get the point?
To be Saved or not to be saved that is the question!

The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith. 11that agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I (we) have been entrusted!

Blessings, David

Friday, March 24, 2017

A Story To Live By. Matthew 9:14-17

A Story To Live By
by Ann Wells (Los Angeles Times)
My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. "This," he said, "is not a slip. This is lingerie." He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip. It was exquisite; silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. "Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is the occasion." He took the slip from me and put it on the bed with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician. His hands
lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."
I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores that follow an unexpected death. I thought about them on the plane returning to California from the Midwestern town where my sister's family lives. I thought about all the things that she hadn't seen or heard or done. I thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special.
I'm still thinking about his words, and they've changed my life. I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savor, not endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.
I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event-such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia blossom.
I wear my good blazer to the market if I feel like it. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends'.
"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done had she known that she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted. I think she would have called family members and a few close friends. She might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think she would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food. I'm guessing-I'll never know.
It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were limited. Angry because I put off seeing good Friends whom I was going to get in touch with-someday. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write-one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives.
And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special.
Every day, every minute, every breath truly is...a gift from God.

Matthew 9:14-17
14 One day the disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus and asked him, “Why don’t Your disciples fast like we do and the Pharisees do?”
15 Jesus replied, “Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
16 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before.
17 "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”
Blessings, Cecilia

2 Thessalonians 3 Curse or blessing?

Paul's Final Greetings
(1 Corinthians 16:19-24)
16Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
17This greeting is in my own hand—Paul. This is my mark in every letter; it is the way I write.
18The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 16:22 If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be under a divine curse. Come, O Lord!

Divine: of, from or like God
Curse: A curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.

I used the bible hub app and searched divine curse, it resulted in six verses in the bible.

Mark 14:71 He began to call down curses, and he swore to them, "I ...
... Then he began to invoke a divine curse and to swear with an oath,
"I don't know this man you're talking about!" ...

Zechariah 14:11 It will be inhabited; never again will it be ...
... People will live there, and never again will there be a curse of complete ... there,
and there will no longer be the threat of divine extermination--Jerusalem will ...

Deuteronomy 7:26 Do not bring a detestable thing into your house ...i
... You must absolutely detest and abhor it, for it is an object of divine wrath. ... a
disgusting thing into your house, and so become cursed with its curse: but keep ...

Joshua 9:20 This is what we will do to them: We will let them live ...
... We must let them live, for divine anger would come upon us if we broke our oath. ...
We must let them live so we can escape the curse attached to the oath we swore ...

Deuteronomy 13:15 you must certainly put to the sword all who live ...
... Devote everything in it to divine destruction—even its livestock—by the sword ... up
arms against the people of that town and give it up to the curse, with all ...

Deuteronomy 3:6 We completely destroyed them, as we had done with ...
... We put all of these under divine judgment just as we had done to King Sihon of ... And
we put them to the curse, every town together with men, women, and children. ...

Would you rather have a blessing or a curse?
All of us in Christ Jesus have His blessings!
My prayer for you......
Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
Blessings, David

Thursday, March 23, 2017

If we wait, it may be too late!

2Tim 4:2 preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready when the time
is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the
opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or
inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]; correct [those who err in
doctrine or behavior], warn [those who sin], exhort and encourage [those
who are growing toward spiritual maturity], with inexhaustible patience and
[faithful] teaching.

Just Do It, brings many different thoughts to mind. First is probably Nike.
For some Christian historians, the name Dwight Moody may come to mind. One
time, just before the great Chicago fire of 1871, he gave a message and
then told the audience to think about making a commitment to Jesus and then
come back the next week; however, the next day the fire took many of their
lives. The experience filled him with a sense of mortal man's need for
salvation on the spot. He came up with a simple and effective solution to
save unchurched people by the thousands; he called it the three
R's...ruined by the fall, redeemed by the blood and rejuvenated by the Holy
Spirit. Many believers think they should wait and let others learn about
their relationship with Jesus over time. Wait until others notice that
there is something different. I remember falling in love and wanting to
tell everyone about this beautiful woman, even people I did not know. I
have more desire to tell everyone about Jesus. In 2Cor6:2, it says, " now
is “the day of salvation”. In Romans10:14 "But how will people call on Him
in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of whom
they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher
(messenger)?" We are all called to preach the word, if we wait, it may be
too late.


He Came For A Relationship. Matthew 9:9-13 NLT

I worked with a lady once who would never work April 15th. That was the day she did her taxes. She enjoyed waiting until the last possible moment to write that check. She was one of those people you would see on the news in line at the post office just before midnight.  
The tax man is Jesus's day was just as reviled as he is today. Back then though, paying your taxes really was extortion. They collected the tax and a little extra for themselves. Or a lot. It was a lucrative business. Tax collectors were not liked, and thats putting it mildly. 
Matthew not only left his lucrative tax business to follow Jesus, he invited all his fellow tax collectors to do the same. When the Pharisees saw Jesus eating with these men, they asked why. 
And Jesus answers. 
He came for the sick in spirit. He came for the lost. He came for the sinners. He came for mercy and He came for love. He came for a relationship with you. That's all He wants. 
Matthew 9:9-13 NLT
Jesus Calls Matthew
9 As Jesus was walking along, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow Me and be My disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed Him.
10 Later, Matthew invited Jesus and His disciples to His home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. 11 But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with such scum? "
12  When Jesus heard this, He said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” 13 Then He added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
Hosea 6:6
I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings.
Blessings, Cecilia

2 Thessalonians 3 Irresponsibility feeds hurts, hang ups and habits!

Warning against Irresponsibility
6Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who leads an undisciplined life that is not in keeping with the tradition you received from us. 7For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not undisciplined among you, 8nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. Instead, in labor and toil, we worked night and day so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9Not that we lack this right, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate. 10For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.”
11Yet we hear that some of you are leading undisciplined lives and accomplishing nothing but being busybodies. 12We command and urge such people by our Lord Jesus Christ to begin working quietly to earn their own living. 13But as for you, brothers, do not grow weary in well-doing.
14Take note of anyone who does not obey the instructions we have given in this letter. Do not associate with him, so that he may be ashamed. 15Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

Warn him as a brother, in love with the love of Christ. Stay away from those with an undisciplined life, good advice. Our son is leading an undisciplined life, that is why we choose not to have contact with him. We don't want his undisciplined habits rubbing off on us. We don't care to witness his ungodly behavior.

People who were once drug addicts or alcoholic's have to find Godly friends because if they hang around with other addicts they will revert to their hurts, hang ups and habits and fall back into their addictions.

Paul tells us to work for our sustenance because it's the Godly thing to do. Don't live off other people's hard work. Cecilia told me a story about someone, every time they cooked dinner the neighbors came over at the appropriate time so they offered to have them join in the meal. After many days of this happening, when they were done eating, she put the dishes on the floor and allowed the dog to "clean" them. She then put them in the cupboards. This was the last time the neighbors knocked on the door at mealtime.
Paul reminds us, “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.”
Do you have an adult child living at home? Do they work for their support? Give them chores, tell them to get a job and to pay a weekly room and board fee. How else will they learn responsibility?

"accomplishing nothing but being busybodies." (A meddling or prying person)
Are you a person that has to be in everyone's business, spreading gossip? Stop it!

Paul tells us; "Do not associate with him, so that he may be ashamed. 15Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother." Good advice, let them be ashamed, let the Holy Spirit work on their conscience and pray for them.

Blessings, David

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

He is the reason I'm alive!

Colossians 3:8 But now rid yourselves [completely] of all these things:
anger, rage, malice, slander, and obscene (abusive, filthy, vulgar)
language from your mouth.

Have you ever looked back over your life and realized that the only reason
that you are alive today is because of God? I know with all that I am, that
He is the reason I am alive. Before coming to know Jesus as my Lord and
Savior, I was not a good person. I came to Jesus when I was 36 years old. I
look back over my life and even at a young age, there were many things that
I did that were just plain wrong. I have seen God's fingerprint all over my
life. People look at me and who I am today, in Christ, as a peaceful,
loving person. One thing that I can tell you is that I know how to be
violent and I was good at it. For some, it is difficult to shake who they
are when they have their, "Come to Jesus" moment. There are many Bible
verses that instruct the believers as to what to do and what not to do.
Psalms 1, instructs us on what type of people to stay away from. Colossians
3, speaks of what we are to rid ourselves of. Reading instructions and
following them are not the same. As an established Christian in the church,
a few years back, I was drawn back into the person I was before. I was at
the point of preparing to kill someone and then kill my self. Brethren, may
God strengthen us all to follow Him with all that we are. No turning back.
In Jesus name, amen.


2 Thessalonians 3 Please pray for us!

Request for Prayer
1Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread quickly and be held in honor, just as it was with you. 2And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men; for not everyone holds to the faith. 3But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 4And we have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do what we command. 5May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.

Request for prayer! We have a friend in Tucson AZ who is still in the hospital since the last week of January. She is 80 years old and had open heart surgery. It's been one complication after another. She doesn't heal well. Today we were informed she needs another surgery as her sternum isn't healing from the heart surgery.
To top it off her husband has advanced Parkinson's disease and they need to find a full time care giver. Please keep Sandy and Ken in your daily prayers!

Finally brethren pray for us and pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men; for not everyone holds to the faith. This is evident in our federal government as we see in the news daily. Please pray that our Lord Jesus will expose the darkness with light, exposing the lies and deceit of our elected politicians and that His will be done in our country.  

May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.
Blessings, David

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Train up a child....

Prov6:6 Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek
God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old
he will not depart from it.
Eph6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate
them to the point of resentment with demands that are trivial or
unreasonable or humiliating or abusive; nor by showing favoritism or
indifference to any of them], but bring them up [tenderly, with
lovingkindness] in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Some things are easier caught then taught. I know that it is better for me
to learn by example than it is to learn on my own, it helps me to process
what is going on and really helps it to sink in. There are many different
parts to having a relationship whether it is with a person or with God. We
would all agree one of the most important parts of a relationship is
spending time together, quality time. For the believer the time we spend in
the Bible, in worship and in fellowship with other believers is what helps
us get closer to God and can give us the direction and understanding that
we need. In Proverbs and Ephesians parents are given clear instructions
about training up a child in the ways of God and understanding that it has
purpose.One day, one of my daughters who was not living right before God
asked me to pray for her friend. I told her that she should pray for her
friend. She said that God did not listen to her, but she knew that God
listened to me. Brethren, if we do not show our children and grandchildren
by example what the love of Jesus is all about, the world will teach them
to look for love in everything else. If we do not show them by example how
to pray and study the Bible, the world will lie to them and tell them it is
all about what they can do on their own. One of my greatest memories is
when my children were young and reading them to sleep with the word of God.
Hearing my daughter read the Bible to my grandchildren truly brings joy to
my heart.


A Man Named Jesus. Matthew 9:1-8 NLT

What is more important? Physical healing or forgiveness of sins? Physical healing is only temporary. Forgiveness of sins is eternal.
For me, salvation came the moment I accepted God's forgiveness of my sins. That moment at church one Sunday morning in 2001 or 2002 when I finally understood and accepted that God loved me and forgave me of all my past sins. It was the moment I realized Jesus died on the cross for ME. The moment I understand the sacrifice He made because He loves me, even though I wouldn't be born for about 1995 more years, God thought of me when He hung on the cross in the form of a man named Jesus. 
Then, once and for all, to defeat death completely, He walked out of that grave 3 days later and once again walked the earth. 40 days later, He ascended through the clouds to Heaven to prepare a place for me. 
And He did it for you too.
So I'll ask you again, whats more important?  Physical healing or forgiveness of sins?
Matthew 9:1-8 NLT
Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
1 Jesus climbed into a boat and went back across the lake to his own town. 2Some people brought to Him a paralyzed man on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Be encouraged, my child! Your sins are forgiven.”
3 But some of the teachers of religious law said to themselves, “That’s blasphemy! Does He think He's God?”
4 Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them, “Why do you have such evil thoughts in your hearts? 5 Is it easier to say ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up and walk’? 6 So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”
7 And the man jumped up and went home! 8 Fear swept through the crowd as they saw this happen. And they praised God for sending a man with such great authority.
Blessings, Cecilia

2 Thessalonians 2 God has chosen you!

Stand Firm
13But we should always thank God for you, brothers who are loved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginninga to be saved by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth. 14To this He called you through our gospel, so that you may share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15Therefore, brothers, stand firm and cling to the traditions we taught you, whether by speech or by letter.
16Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who by grace has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope, 17encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and deed.

Brethren I thank God for you and even though we may be separated on this earth by location I look forward to the time we will have in heaven together and being able to sit with all of you at the Lords table!

"God has chosen you from the beginning to be saved by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth". This is hard for us to comprehend because we are stuck in time but God is not. He chose you from the beginning! Why? Because He loves you! He called you through the Gospel so that you may share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that wonderful? He chose you!

Therefore brethren, stand firm!
I repeat verses 16 & 17 as my prayer for you!
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who by grace has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope, 17encourage your hearts ❤️ and strengthen you in every good word and deed."

May our God bless you this day! David

Monday, March 20, 2017

When Pigs Fly. Matthew 8:28-34 NLT

Why did Jesus allow the demons to enter the pigs? Because the disciples wanted deviled ham for lunch! 
Okay, that one is bad. All kidding aside, here's some interesting facts about Matthew 8:28-34
David Guzik gives us some very good reasons the demon possessed men hung out at the cemetery:
1) Because graveyards and the dead were terribly unclean and offensive to the Jewish people.
2) Because demons love death.
3) Because it was no proper place for men to live.
4) Because it made the men more frightening to others.
5) Because it encouraged superstition in others, fearing that the men were actually possessed with the spirits of the dead in the graveyard.
Why the poor pigs? I think, even though my deviled ham joke wasnt that good, God has a sense of humor. I've always found the vision of pigs running off a cliff to their death in the sea below a funny sight. Ironically, pigs are unclean to Jewish people. Demons are considered unclean too. So is sin. 
Now, you would think the town folk would be ecstatic the demons were gone and the men infested were free of the demons, but no, they "begged Him to go away and leave them alone." That seems strange, why would they send Jesus away? Maybe they were comfortable in the pig pen.Maybe they were comfortable with the demons. Maybe they we comfortable with their sin. 
Maybe they were comfortable in the darkness and unwilling to turn to the Truth. The truth of Jesus. What about you?

Matthew 8:28-34 NLT
Jesus Heals Two Demon-Possessed Men
28 When Jesus arrived on the other side of the lake, in the region of the Gadarenes,  two men who were possessed by demons met Him. They lived in a cemetery and were so violent that no one could go through that area.
29 They began screaming at Him, “Why are you interfering with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torture us before God’s appointed time?”
30 There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding in the distance.31 So the demons begged, “If you cast us out, send us into that herd of pigs.”
32 "All right, go!” Jesus commanded them. So the demons came out of the men and entered the pigs, and the whole herd plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned in the water.
33 The herdsmen fled to the nearby town, telling everyone what happened to the demon-possessed men. 34 Then the entire town came out to meet Jesus, but they begged Him to go away and leave them alone.

Blessings, Cecilia

Are you sinless?

Sinner saved by grace. Recently I stated that I know that I sin. I was told
that I was of the devil and not of God. I asked this person if they were
sinless and there response was "yes". I started to share different
scriptures, saying this person was deceived, 1John1:8. In Isaiah64:6, our
righteousness is like filthy rags. For me, there is a battle that goes on
inside me on a daily basis, maybe it is because I desire to live a holy and
dedicated life for the glory of God. Jesus speaks of the war with the thief
in John10:10, whose purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus said, He
came so we can have life and life more abundantly. In Romans7, Paul writes
of the battles that he faces, saying that he is a creature of the flesh.
Paul also writes in "Romans8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to
those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but
according to the Spirit." I confess to to all my brethren that I am not
sinless but I am trying to sin less. Please pray for me as I pray for you
all. We MUST not sin so that grace abound, but when we sin, KNOW that grace

Romans 5:20 But the Law came to increase and expand [the awareness of] the
trespass [by defining and unmasking sin]. But where sin increased, [God’s
remarkable, gracious gift of] grace [His unmerited favor] has surpassed it
and increased all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, so also
grace would reign through righteousness which brings eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord.


2 Thessalonians 2 Are you with God or satanists and witches?

5 Do you not remember that I told you these things while I was still with you? 6And you know what is now restraining him, so that he will be revealed at the proper time. 7For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of His arrival.
9The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.

Paul thought it important to reveal to the new Christians the prophecy of the end times, the 2nd coming of Christ. The Holy Spirit is restraining the lawless one.

David Guzik commentary states:
e. And then the lawless one will be revealed: Paul states two certain facts about the man of sin, here called the lawless one. First, it is certain that the lawless one will be revealed when the Holy Spirit removes His restraint. Second, it is certain that the lawless one will be destroyed by the mere brightness of Jesus at His coming.

"i. Paul probably has Isaiah 11:4 in mind: He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked. The Isaiah passage refers to the LORD - to Yahweh - but Paul freely used it of Jesus, recognizing that Jesus is Yahweh."

a. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan: The Antichrist will come with power, with signs and with lying wonders. But all of this is according to the working of Satan, as described in Revelation 13:13-17.

i. If someone has spiritual power, signs, or wonders, those are not enough to prove they are from God. Satan can perform his own powerful works, either through deception or through his own resources of power.

ii. "He is Satan's messiah, an infernal caricature of the true messiah." (Moffatt)

I would have liked to have posted the rest of the commentary but it would be long, I beg your to finish reading it at the link below.

As we get older and more mature we see more lawlessness, more crime and more hatred. Recently in the news there were protestors protesting our president which included satanists and witches worldwide calling for spells and hexes on our president. The word of God tells us He appoints kings and rulers and those who are against them oppose God.
Are you with God or satanists and witches?

Blessings, David