Sunday, May 7, 2017

Titus 3 Do you have a heart condition?

Avoiding Divisions
9But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the Law, because these things are pointless and worthless. 10Reject a divisive man after a first and second admonition, 11knowing that such a man is corrupt and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Paul was dealing with people coming into the church creating division, adding laws on top of the free gift of salvation. They would say you need to be circumcised to really be saved. If we add to the gift of salvation, are we not then trying to be saved by works?

We have the same people that cause division in the church. You've heard them, you must be baptized to be saved, you must attend church on the sabbath, you must dress this way, you must do this or that!
Don't argue with them, but after a first or second admonition, reject the divisive person
knowing that such a person is corrupt and sinful, they are self condemned.

Recently our pastor explained he mixes up his dress code when he leads service in the chapel. One Sunday he will wear a suit, another he we as jeans, another he wears a sport jacket, another he wears a sweater. He explained he does this so people will be comfortable to "come as you are". Why?
Because some in the congregation say you dress in your finest, you must wear a suit, you must wear this to attend, you must do this or that!

God looks at our heart, not what we are wearing. If we are being modest, that is wearing clothing that doesn't attract attention to ourselves and distract attention away from God, what does it matter what kind of clothing we worship in?
When Jesus walked the earth, did he require men and women to dress up before teaching or healing them?
If you are judging someone by their dress code, do you have a heart condition?

Blessings, David

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