Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Are you committed for life?

"Christian" was a name that was given to the early church in Acts 11, after
the death of Stephen in Acts 7+8. Many people believe that the term
"Christian" was a derogatory name, meant as an insult. This word
"Christian" has come to explain who we strive to be like and represent, the
Christ. For myself, when I had my, "come to Jesus moment" everything
changed. I remember a statement that my father said to me, "You went
overboard on the drinking and the drugs, now, you are going overboard on
this Jesus stuff too". My response was simple, "This is what I was meant to
do". I have seen many people come to church, get baptized, wave their hands
in the air like they just don't care, and when they walked out of the door,
go right back into the person they were before. Everyone knows the
difference between right and wrong, good and evil, the ways of God and the
ways of the world, and yet, they can't leave the temptations and lust of
the world to completely follow after the Lord Jesus. It says in *2 Cor 6:17
“So come out from among unbelievers and be separate,” says the Lord, “And
do not touch what is unclean; And I will graciously receive you and welcome
you [with favor]* There are many things that must change in our lives to
bring glory to God, the things that we watch, read, say, and do. When we
invite Jesus into our lives, it is a commitment for a life time. Remember,
*Deut 23:23 You shall be careful to perform that [vow] which passes your
lips, just as you have made a voluntary vow to the Lord your God, just as
you have promised with your own words (mouth).* When we accept Jesus as
Lord and Savior, may we live like it!


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