Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Jesus first, others second. Matthew 16:24-28 NLT

I have several cross necklaces. One, my parents gave me probably when I made my first communion or was confirmed in the Catholic Church. It is worn and has the figure of Jesus on it. I don't wear that one anymore. David gave me one years ago that is covered in amethyst, my birth stone. I wear that one when I wear purple (my favorite color). Another one I wear often is a beautiful sterling silver one Sandy gave me.
If the people of Jesus's day saw us wearing cross necklaces, they would be horrified. The cross was an instrument of torture and death. It would be akin to wearing a small electric chair figure around our neck.
Taking up our cross doesn't just mean we will have troubles as a Christian. Oh we will have troubles, but taking up our cross is so much more then that. It's setting ourselves apart from the rest of the worlds expectations of us. It's accepting persecution for our faith, maybe even death. It's putting Jesus first and others second. Its an attitude of servitude wherever we go, whoever we encounter at all times. It's being willing to fight the hardest fight, through the toughest of times, in the worst possible ways all for the glory of Jesus, the salvation of others and the fulfillment of the promises we will receive when we see Him face to face.
Matthew 16:24 NLT
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me. 
Blessings, Cecilia

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