Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is more than just a day for cards, chocolate, breakfast in
bed, and reservations at crowded restaurants. Mother’s Day is a celebration
of  the mothers that are beautiful examples of the high calling of love.
When God created mothers, His design was to give them a special heart, a
heart to love, care and protect the little ones that were entrusted to
them. Christians praise God for the miracle of life, and the role that
mothers have in it. Moms who are a source of honor, goodness, and
loveliness are to be praised on this special day, but not worshiped.
Mother’s Day can also be very difficult for some. There are women who may
desire to be a mother, but who face the inability to bear children for one
reason or another. And there are some of who's mothers have died and today
is a sad day for their family. And others, whose mother's were not mothers
that at all. *Prov31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed...* This
Mother’s Day may we lift up the women in prayer who have helped change our
lives. May we celebrate today all the mother's that have affected our lives
in a positive way. For all of us, I pray that we truly understand the joy
of knowing the Savior, who has blessed us with the mother's we have had.
For those struggling this day, may you feel your Heavenly Father's presence
and may He help to relieve the pain that seems overwhelming, and know that
by turning to Jesus you can find an eternal love. To all of the virtuous
and capable women, may God bless you all. Happy Mother’s Day!


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