Monday, May 22, 2017

How can I know the day of my death?

What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Are questions that many
people contemplate everyday. The answer is simple and was spoken by the
Lord Jesus, *Luke 10:30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your
strength...* This seems easier said than done. So many things get in the
way and the biggest one is "Life". Many people, me included, do not spend
enough time loving God and spending time with Him. Getting so busy taking
care of things and not taking the time to spend with the One, that is
taking care of me. It says in *James 4:14...For what is your life? It is
even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.* The
simplest way to stay close to God is through prayer. There is a story, “One
day, a young boy asked an old man: “Sir, which is the best day to pray?”
The wise old man replied: “My son, the best day to pray is the day before
you die”. The boy was astonished and replied: “Sir, how can I know the day
of my death? ”And the old man answered: “No one knows the day of his death,
that’s why we need to pray everyday.” There were people that were alive
yesterday, that were looking forward to today and did not make it through
the night. There will be people that will die today that have great plans
for tomorrow and will not see those plans come to pass. I read, "Those who
pursue God and His righteousness, who take seriously the command to love
Him above all else, are those who are consumed with the things of God. They
are eager to study God’s Word, eager to pray, eager to obey and honor God
in all things, and eager to share Jesus Christ with others. It is through
these spiritual disciplines that the love for God grows and matures to the
glory of God." Brethren, may this be our legacy.


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