Sunday, May 21, 2017

86,400 Seconds

86,400 seconds in a day. By the time you complete reading this, 90 seconds
will be gone. For many people, they have never "used" every second of every
day, and think about what would happen if they could. There was a time when
I was on drugs that I was awake for 2 weeks. In the beginning, I got a lot
done and then everything spun out of control. I have always been a person
that has had "too many irons in the fire". I have also lived by the
principal of, take care of what is screaming the loudest, and as a
mechanic, remembering, that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, lol. It says
in *Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, A time for every
purpose under heaven: 2 A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to
plant, And a time to pluck what is planted...* Busyness of life can be
overwhelming at times. In life, we have many "Got too's" . A person has to
work a job, and for many, that job is challenging. Family responsibilities
are important. Taking care of the home is needed. Trying to find balance
and have time management can seem impossible. And then we have the "Get
too's". Ministry becomes a blessing when it can happen, and then there are
times that we need to step away for a season. For many, we look at ministry
at church and sometimes we neglect the ministry in our own homes. Parents,
children, grand-children, need to experience the "Get too" time as well.
Jim Valvano wrote, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day. It's up to you to
decide what to do with them.” Brethren, only God knows how many seconds
each of our lives will have. May we "use" all that we have been given, to
glorify God, further His kingdom and love the people around us as much as
we can.


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