Monday, May 22, 2017

Hebrews 3 Do you hear His voice?

14We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly to the end the assurance we had at first. 15As it has been said:
“Today, if you hear His voice,
do not harden your hearts,
as you did in the rebellion.”

Did you hear His voice in these verses?
Living life can be compared to riding an horse in a race without a saddle and holding firmly onto his mane. If you hold on firmly you may stay on his back and finish the race. But what if he bucks you off, do you get back up, dust yourself off, jump back on and finish the race?

Christ gives us the spiritual and physical strength to finish the race to the end.
When life kicks you to the ground we are able with Him, to get back up, dust ourselves  off, jump back on and continue to run the race holding firmly onto Him to the end.
The world doesn't understand this concept in Christ. The world drowns their sorrows with alcohol, drugs, sex or anything they can find trying to fill that God shaped hole in their heart. Our creator created us to depend on Him. Jesus gave us the avenue, that is the (Romans) Road to Salvation. Follow that road to finish the race!

Are you familiar with the Romans Road to Salvation?

Blessings, David

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