Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hebrews 3 [calling God a liar]?

The Peril of Unbelief
12See to it, brothers, that none of you has a wicked heart of unbelief that turns away from the living God. 13But exhort one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

 “The great sin of not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is often spoken of very lightly and in a very trifling spirit, as though it were scarcely any sin at all; yet, according to my text, and, indeed, according to the whole tenor of the Scriptures, unbelief is the giving of God the lie [calling God a liar], and what can be worse?” (Spurgeon)

“Hearken, O unbeliever, you have said, ‘I cannot believe,’ but it would be more honest if you had said, ‘I will not believe.’ The mischief lies there. Your unbelief is your fault, not your misfortune. It is a disease, but it is also a crime: it is a terrible source of misery to you, but it is justly so, for it is an atrocious offense against the God of truth.” (Spurgeon)

"13But exhort one another daily",
"we must be around other Christians who will exhort – that is, “seriously encourage” us."
i. If you are out of fellowship altogether, you can’t exhort or be exhorted. When we are out of fellowship, there is much less around us to keep us from becoming hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
ii. Some think that Jesus’ command to not bother with the speck in our brother’s eye while we have a log in our own (Matthew 7:5) indicates that we should not exhort one another daily. Yet Jesus told us to first deal with our log in our own eye, but then to go and deal with the speck in our brother’s eye. He did not tell us to ignore their speck, only to deal with it in proper order.

All of today's quotes are from David Guzik
He is my go to commentary because I like his style in outline form and I've sat through his teachings at Pastor and Leaders Conferences and when he substituted for our pastor on leave.

Do you know anyone that has unbelief [calling God a liar]?
Blessings, David

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