Saturday, April 1, 2017

What will your legacy be?

Legacy - something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or
predecessor or from the past. What do you want to be remembered for? There
are many things that people and even Christian's get caught up in, things
that have no eternal value. Politics, sports, hobbies, and other beliefs of
what needs to be told to their world. The one verse that I focus on is,
"John17:3 And this is eternal life: [it means] to know (to perceive,
recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and
real God, and [likewise] to know Him, Jesus [as the] Christ (the Anointed
One, the Messiah), Whom You have sent." I want to be remembered for loving
my Jesus and loving others. When my daughter was younger and in middle
school, she made 2 paper machette projects. The one she made for me was of
a figure on a larger rock praying, the sign said, "My dad praying". She
also made another for someone else, this has a smaller flat rock and the
person was sprawled on their back, and the sign was about that person
watching T.V. Casting Crowns has a song, Loving My Jesus, and the verses
have truly helped me to share more openly what God is doing in my life,
"Loving my Jesus Showing my scars Telling my story of how mercy Can reach
You where You are And I pray the whole world hears The cry of my heart Is
to see all the ones I love Loving my Jesus". I want to know God, Jesus and
Holy Spirit more and make them known to all that I meet, especially my
family. May We all leave a legacy of loving our Jesus.


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