Sunday, April 23, 2017

Draw near to God before it's too late!

Destruction is all around us. Recently, I have taken a good, long look at
all the things that I have been through and survived, and been very
thankful. The reason that I am reflecting so much is because of the stories
of lives that have been destroyed or of people going through a lot of the
same garbage that I did, and yet they did not survive or are suffering
intensely. There are verses that should open our eyes to see why, like,
*John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy...*
Austin is a young man who overdosed and died. There was a man who was
divorced and got so focused on the woman, that he killed another man and
then killed himself. There is another that is so depressed that he tried to
kill himself. Another that is having family issues and is not allowed in
his own house. Another who is going through financial hardship, just trying
to pay their bills. The list goes on. I can honestly say that I know what
it is like. I overdosed, I was prepared to kill someone and myself over a
woman, I know what it is like to want to escape the pain, I know what it is
like to really be in need. I also know the love of my Savior. I want to
encourage all who are going through life's struggles. You are not alone. We
must always remember the words of the Lord Jesus, *John 10:10... I came
that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full,
till it overflows].* My encouragement to all, *James 4:8 Draw near to God
and He will draw near to you.* Before it is to late.


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