Saturday, April 8, 2017

1 Timothy 6 Reject false doctrines or else!

Reject False Doctrines
3If anyone teaches another doctrine and disagrees with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. Instead, he has an unhealthy interest in controversies and semantics, out of which come envy, strife, abusive talk, evil suspicions, 5and constant friction between men of depraved mind who are devoid of the truth. These men regard godliness as a means of gain.

As Paul was coming to the end his letter to Timothy he was warning him to reject false doctrines. There are people that read and understand the bible that don't put it into practice. There are some that quote it and twist it's meaning for their purpose, like Satan does. There are some that use it for gain. There are some that preach false sense of security with salvation about life on earth, that everything will be hunky dorey.
God gives the Christian a reference book for discernment, the Bible!
So what will happen to the person that teaches another doctrine and disagrees with the sound word of our Lord Jesus Christ? The following demonstrates what God did to His son with imputed sin. What more then to the actual sinner?

Blessings, David

Excerpts from Truth For Life
"When God saw Jesus in the sinner's place, He did not spare Him; and when He finds the unregenerate without Christ, He will not spare them. O sinner, Jesus was led away by His enemies; and you will be dragged away by fiends to the place appointed for you. Jesus was deserted by God; and if He, who was only imputedly a sinner, was deserted, how much more will you be?

"Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?" What an awful shriek! But what will be your cry when you shall say, "O God! O God! Why have You forsaken me?" and the answer shall come back, "Because you have ignored all My counsel and would have none of My reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when terror strikes you."

If God did not spare His own Son, how much less will He spare you! What whips of stinging pain will be yours when your conscience smites you with all its terrors. You rich, you merry, you most self-righteous sinners--who would stand in your place when God says, "Awake, O sword, against the man that rejected Me; smite him, and let him feel the sting forever"?"

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