Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Guard your heart.

There are many verses in the Bible that believers find difficult to
understand, much less to fulfill. It says in *Proverbs 4:23 Guard your
heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.* What are
we to guard on hearts from, why are we to guard them and for how long? Many
of us have had our hearts broken by people who were uncaring, unloving and
selfish and have come close to destruction. Sometimes the pain that we
suffer last longer than others thought it should. Healing takes time. Our
hearts are truly precious and valuable to God. I know that the main reason
my heart has been broken is because I did not ask the God of the universe,
who I am to invest into. I have gone off of the flesh and have suffered the
consequences. Guarding our heart, starts first with communication with God
and then good honest communication with another. What we do, flows from who
we are deep down inside, in our hearts. Brethren, may God give our hearts
protection from the enemy and this world. May He give us wisdom and
discernment to see truth in others. May we find balance to be able to let
new people into our lives without fear. For those of us who give our hearts
easily, may we be careful not to become bitter, cynical and possibly miss
what God has for us, what may be right even though we have been wronged
before, in Jesus name, amen.


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