Monday, April 17, 2017

What If. Matthew 12:41-45 NLT

You've heard the Gospel, you've been convicted of what needs to change in your life. You know what you need to do to be saved yet you refuse to take that step of faith and surrender. Maybe you don't want to give up that thing you enjoy in your life that you know is sin. Maybe you don't want to put God first. Maybe you're afraid of what others will think. Or you're just not into that "religious stuff. "
What if you don't wake up tomorrow. What if tonight is your last chance. Where would you go? Would you regret not taking a stand? Without Jesus in your heart, you're just an empty house. 
Matthew 12:41-45 NLT
41 “The people of Nineveh will stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for they repented of their sins at the preaching of Jonah. Now someone greater than Jonah is here—but you refuse to repent. 42 The queen of Sheba will also stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is here—but you refuse to listen.
When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order. 45 Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before. That will be the experience of this evil generation.”
Blessings, Cecilia

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