Thursday, April 6, 2017

Gods plan for your life.

WWJD—What Would Jesus Do, is a question that many people think of and talk
about. The way that we should look to Jesus is not so much, what "would" He
do, but rather what "did" He do, as we look into the scriptures. The
gospels tell us that Jesus went alone to pray, alot. Jesus demonstrated
intimacy with God by seeking His Father continually in prayer. Every aspect
of His life and ministry was saturated with prayer, as ours should be.
Jesus showed the love of God by accepting the castaways of society. Jesus
provided for the physical and financial needs of those around Him. Jesus
demonstrated the heart of God by standing against lifeless religion. Jesus
took advantage of every teachable moment. Jesus served through sacrifice by
putting the needs of others above His own. Jesus refused to let the
ministry pressures of today stop Him from identifying and investing in the
leaders of tomorrow. Jesus would seek the Father for the strength and
wisdom to embrace, restore, confront, teach, serve, and equip the people
around Him. If you're not sure what Jesus actually did in His life, then
how are you going to understand what He might be doing in yours. Matt6:33
"But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and
His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and
character of God." When we seek to know the character of Jesus we will
truly understand what God's plans are for our lives.


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