Monday, April 3, 2017

Dont walk, run to Jesus!

Don't walk, Run, are words of wisdom that I received from my mom shortly
after I came to Christ. These were not words with deep spiritual meaning at
the time, these were spoken to give physical protection and direction.
Before I came to Christ, I was in a relationship that was very volatile at
times. It was a relationship that caused me to throw wisdom out the window
and led me on a path to hell. After only being a Christian for a short
time, I was still looking for earthly desires instead of the heavenly
desires found in and through the Lord Jesus. As time went on, I became
stronger in Christ and found myself desiring to sit at Jesus' feet like
Mary the sister of Martha. I like what it says in Luke 10:38 "Now while
they were on their way, it occurred that Jesus entered a certain village,
and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. 39 And
she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was
listening to His teaching." My only problem was not staying at the Lord's
feet. After being removed from that situation and becoming established in
the church, I fell back into the mindset of that relationship. I did not
seek the Lord's wisdom as to what to do. That is when I learned the
spiritual meaning of my mothers words. Don't walk to Jesus, run to Him! I
would like to encourage all that are seeking a relationship or are in one
that you are not bound to. Seek God's approval and if you see "Red Flags",
Don't Walk, Run!


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