Monday, April 17, 2017

Jesus is a friend of sinners!

One of the hardest things about ministry for some, is remembering what
ministry is all about, saving lost souls and encouraging the saints. I love
the way sinners flocked to Jesus in the gospels as shown in, *Mark 2:16...
“Why does He eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” 17 When Jesus
heard this, He said to them,“Those who are healthy have no need of a
physician, but [only] those who are sick; I did not come to call the
righteous, but sinners [who recognize their sin and humbly seek
forgiveness].”* They obviously felt comfortable with the Lord. They felt
loved and accepted by Him as they were. They were attracted to His
teachings. And Jesus was obviously glad to be with them. It is time for the
church to remember its true mission. It is time for the saints of God to
turn from a materialistic life, share their faith and restore focus on the
value God places upon people. There are a lot of people who stay away from
God because they figure they are just not good enough for Him. Some of the
most dedicated, sincere followers of Jesus came from some of the worst
backgrounds, I know I did. Jesus knew that the best way to call a sinner
back to God is to spend time with them and by accepting one man, He could
gain access to many, because sinners know lots of other sinners! Jesus is a
friend of sinners, but he is not a friend of sin. We come as sinners to
Jesus for healing, and then He calls us to leave that sin behind. The real
measure of effective ministry is transformed lives and godly fruitful


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