Thursday, April 20, 2017

Minister to the lost and broken.

Ministry is a full time position for all of God's children. Many people
live in a way, that they think, all they have to do is go to church, sing a
couple of songs, listen to some guy talk, go home and just go on with their
life until the next time they "have" to go to church again. There are
certain people put in positions of leadership in the church, but they are
there for a specific purpose, to equip other believers for the work of the
ministry. *Eph4:11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets,
some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of
the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of
Christ,* No one can influence your friends, co workers, neighbors, like you
can. Recently, I have had some friends going through the struggles of life
and also some dealing with death. There have been some people that I have
met recently that do not know anything about Jesus and the love that He has
for them. I love all of these people. They may never meet the Pastor of my
church, but I can do better. Because I know Jesus and God's word, they can
come to know the love of the Savior, get wisdom to understand how to live a
life pleasing to God. Brethren, may God open our eyes and hearts to
minister to "our" worlds, equip the saints, edify the body, and minister to
the lost and broken.


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