Saturday, July 22, 2017

Knock, knock. Who's there?

16Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow. 18He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we would be a kind of firstfruits of His creation.

From Enduring Word

i. According to Hiebert, the ancient Greek is actually “the Father of the lights.” The specific lights are the celestial bodies that light up the sky, both day and night. The sun and stars never stop giving light, even when we can’t see them. Even so, there is never a shadow with God. When night comes, the darkness isn’t the fault of the sun; it shines as brightly as before. Instead, the earth has turned from the sun and darkness comes. (Guzik)

ii. “Now mostly, men who are generous need to have their generosity excited. They will need to be waited upon; appeals must be laid before them; they must sometimes be pressed; an example must lead them on. But ‘of his own will’ God did to us all that has been done, without any incentive or prompting, moved only by himself, because he delighteth in mercy; because his name and his nature are love because evermore, like the sun, it is natural to him to distribute the beams of his eternal grace.” (Spurgeon)

"James understood that the gift of salvation was given by God, and not earned by the work or obedience of man. It is of His own will that He brought us forth for salvation." (Guzik)

The quote of Spurgeon reminds me of the true stories of president Trump. He didn't talk about them, in fact some of the people that witnessed his generosity came forward and told their stories. In general they go like this. He would read or see a news story about someone in need, physical, medical, accident or in the line of duty. It would touch his heart. He would send an assistant to the person and say that Mr Trump would like to help you but there is a requirement. You have to keep it secret. Out of his generosity he would set that person up for "life".
What excited his generosity? I believe it was God.

I believe God excites all generosity, we just have to be still so we can hear Him.

Are you listening? Knock, knock. Who's there?

Blessings, David

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