Thursday, July 27, 2017

James 2- We ALL have been guilty of breaking ALL!

8If you really keep the royal law stated in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”a you are doing well. 9But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
10Whoever keeps the whole Law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,”b also said, “Do not murder.”c If you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the Law that gives freedom. 13For judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Favoritism, the Law and mercy. If we are honest to ourselves, we ALL have been guilty of breaking ALL three of these. 

What parent, friend, brother or sister hasn't shown favoritism? Did you have a favorite child, friend, brother or sister? If you did, then you sinned, you convicted transgressor!

If we have stumbled with one of the Law(s) we have broken the whole Law. Have you murdered in your heart? The other day while driving I called someone an idiot. I was in the right lane and almost merged into the left but saw a red truck coming so I stayed in my lane. The red truck rear ended a truck in front of him at a stop light! Yes, I murdered in my heart!

Mercy, mercy, mercy was my grandmother's favorite saying! In fact we have all failed to show mercy at one time or another. Whom have you not forgiven? If you can't forgive, how can God forgive you? Be careful, judgement is upon you!

Blessings, David 

Sin is like fire, because if you wait too long before you attempt to bring it under, the attempt is useless. The time comes when fire gets the upper hand.
E. A. Gillett

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