Thursday, August 3, 2017

Which shall be YOUR master, God or devil?

Drawing Near to God
7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

We should submit to God because He created us.
· We should submit to God because His rule is good for us.
· We should submit to God because all resistance to Him is futile.
· We should submit to God because such submission is absolutely necessary to salvation.
· We should submit to God because it is the only way to have peace with God. (Spurgeon)

iii. “I desire to whisper one little truth in your ear, and I pray that it may startle you: You are submitting even now. You say, ‘Not I; am lord of myself.’ I know you think so, but all the while you are submitting to the devil. The verse before us hints at this. ‘Submit yourselves unto God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.’ If you do not submit to God you never will resist the devil, and you will remain constantly under his tyrannical power. Which shall be your master, God or devil, for one of these must? No man is without a master.” (Spurgeon)

Which shall be YOUR master?
Blessings, David

Go deeper; Ten ways to resist the devil.

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