Sunday, August 6, 2017

For you. Matthew 26:47-49 NLT

Why such a number of men to arrest Jesus? Did they expect Him to put up a fight? Had they ever seen Jesus act violently? Well, there was the time He knocked over the tables of the money changers in the temple. They had turned His Fathers house into a den of thieves! But He didn't hurt anyone in the process. 

Were the religious leaders afraid Jesus would resist? Were they  afraid He might  fight back? Maybe the "crowd of men" was in case Jesus's followers tried to stop Him from being arrested. 

They still didn't understand Jesus. They hadn't listened, they hadn't watched, they hadn't learned why He was there. They didn't know, if He had wanted, He could have walked away at any time and there wouldn't be anything they could do to stop Him. 

But He wouldn't. He wouldn't fight, He wouldn't resist, He would go willingly to the cross. He would go willingly to His death. For you. For me. 

Matthew 26:47-49 NLT 

47 And even as Jesus said this, Judas, one of the twelve disciples, arrived with a crowd of men armed with swords and clubs. They had been sent by the leading priests and elders of the people.  48 The traitor, Judas, had given them a prearranged signal: “You will know which one to arrest when I greet Him with a kiss.”  49 So Judas came straight to Jesus. “Greetings, Rabbi!” he exclaimed and gave Him the kiss. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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