Thursday, August 17, 2017

Boundaries are important!

Boundaries are important. The problems with most boundaries is that after
they are set, many times they are moved. There have been many people that
have hurt me to the core of who I am, they have also hurt my children in
ways that are unimaginable, due to their behavior and actions. The
important thing for them to understand is that they have been forgiven. But
due to what they did, the boundary has been set up and there can not be
reconciliation. It says is *Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man Who walks not in
the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in
the seat of the scornful*. Brethren, we must be careful who we associate
with if we want to be truly blessed. We also need to teach our children by
example to follow after the Lord Jesus. If we don't, the world will teach
them not to. Always remember, until a person changes from the inside out,
the things to do are to pray for those individuals and also keep them from
influencing the young and innocents that God has given us to protect. May
God help us make good choices. Final thought, if YOU are one that is doing
something that could affect your family badly, get help, repent, before
your family is destroyed the way that mine was. Please contact me if I can
help. Jesus loves you and I love you too!


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