Sunday, August 6, 2017

Pray for me!

Honesty is the best policy, so here we go. Thank you to all of my family
and friends that have prayed for me over the years and especially for those
that are praying for me right now without knowing what is going on. All
through my life I have "Struggled" in one way or another. Emotionally,
physically, and spiritually, I have struggled. I hear people tell me to
pray more, read my Bible more, trust in Jesus more. For those that truly
know me, do you think I don't do those things? I think of the story of when
Jesus walked on the water and Peter did as well. *Matt 14:29 So He said,
“Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the
water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he
was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”*
Recently there have been days when I feel like I am sinking and the waves
are crashing in and it takes all that I have to say, “Lord, save me!”. It
is not that I have taken my eyes off of Jesus, but I believe that there
things going on in the spiritual realm that are causing me to struggle to
make it through the day. I heard a question that really struck me. "How is
your faith?" The answer that was given was, "Day by day". I know that I am
NOT the only person dealing with these struggles. I may be one of the few
that admit it. Brethren I ask that you not only pray for me but for ALL
those that you know that are struggling as well. Jesus loves you and I love
you too.


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