Friday, August 18, 2017


Secrets can only be kept from others, nothing is kept from God. Two stories
come to mind of mighty men of God that thought no-one knew what they did.
Moses saw a Hebrew being beaten, he looked left, then right, killed the
Egyptian and buried him in the sand (Ex 2). Moses never looked up. Then
King David. He saw Bathsheba, got her pregnant, killed her husband and
thought it would all go away(2 Sam 11-12). And it says in *2 Samuel
11:27...But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.* There have
been many things that I have done throughout my life, and even in my
Christian walk, that I know have displeased the Lord. Some of these things
passed without severe consequences and some the consequences were very
painful. There is a verse that I fear to come to pass in my own life. *Luke
12:2 But there is nothing [so carefully] concealed that it will not be
revealed, nor so hidden that it will not be made known. 3 For that reason,
whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you
have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops.*
For those that think that what you do in private is not known to anyone,
think again. There are many that are doing things behind closed doors that
God is not please with. How are you treating your family? If you are
drinking, doing drugs, engaging in sexual misconduct or pornography, stop
it, repent and get help. There have been times when my shame has been to
much for me to bear. Jesus knew my sin and went to the cross for me
anyways, and for that I will be eternally grateful.


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