Saturday, October 7, 2017

Move! Genesis 8:15-19 NLT

I'm going to share this story again because it's just awesome. 

In the spring of 2015, David drove to Michigan to visit his brother and sister who still lived here. His father had died the previous fall and he was feeling the need to reconnect. I knew when he left Tucson he was going to want to move back to our home state. He had expressed that desire right after his dad passed but I told him it was too soon to make that decision, he needed to wait six months. 

You see, we had moved to Tucson in 1986 to be near his parents who had retired there the previous winter. Both his parents were gone now, his mom dying some eight years before his dad. Shortly after David's dad's death we had driven up the mountain. Standing at "Windy Point" and looking out over the city we both commented how Tucson just didn't seem the same with him gone. He had loved Tucson so much (and so did I, David? Not so much.)

David called me after he pulled out of his sister's driveway to inform me he was headed home. He then simply stated "I want to move back to Michigan". I said "Okay, so what kind of time frame are we looking at?" He said " A year? Next spring? " I thought "Okay, one more winter in Tucson, go there in the spring, I can live with that". We then started making plans. 

Well, that last winter in Tucson was not to be. In April we decided to move. In September we were in our new home.

We saw God's hand in everything we did to prepare for the move. By July we had purchased our home here in Gaylord and our house in Tucson had sold. In 56 hours. To a couple we knew. From our church. We didn't know they were looking and they didn't know  we were selling until the realtor set up the viewing. 

We had tried several times over the years to move elsewhere in the Tucson area, further out of town, to more property, etc. But God closed the door each time. He had a better plan. 

When it's Gods will you do something, He opens doors. When it's God's will you stay put, the door remains closed. Noah could not leave the ark until God told him to go. 

Where is God telling you to go today? 

Genesis 8:15-19 NLT 

15 Then God said to Noah,  16 “Leave the boat, all of you—you and your wife, and your sons and their wives.  17 Release all the animals—the birds, the livestock, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—so they can be fruitful and multiply throughout the earth.” 

18 So Noah, his wife, and his sons and their wives left the boat.  19 And all of the large and small animals and birds came out of the boat, pair by pair. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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