Thursday, October 12, 2017

2 Peter 2- Angels, Chains and Hell!

4For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell, delivering them in chains to be held in gloomy darknessa until their judgment; 5if He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, among the eight;

On Sunday during life group someone asked me about Genesis 6:2, "Are the sons of God angels? I studied it and asked our pastor for his thoughts on it.
2 Peter 2:4-5 are referencing what God did because of Genesis 6:2.

Genesis 6:2 The sons of God saw the beautiful womena and took any they wanted as their wives.

David Guzik (enduring word) one theory says that they were demonic (fallen angels) and were part of Satan's plan to pollute the human race. God put them in chains and destroyed them with the flood.

d. And they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose: We can deduce why Satan sent his angels to intermarry (either directly or indirectly) with human women. Satan tried to pollute the genetic “pool” of mankind with a satanic corruption, to put a genetic “virus” to make the human race unfit for bringing forth the Seed of the woman – the Messiah – promised in Genesis 3:15.

i. “The Savior could not be born of a demon-possessed mother. So if Satan could succeed in infecting the entire race, the deliverer could not come.” (Boice)

ii. And Satan almost succeeded. The race was so polluted that God found it necessary to start again with Noah and his sons, and to imprison the demons that did this so they could never do this again.

I have been studying the bible for years and never caught this theory as to why the angels were cast into hell, put into chains and of the great flood. Will we know when we get to heaven or will we even care?

Blessings, David

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