Tuesday, October 24, 2017

God has a plan!

Have you ever had one of those days when everything you thought, said and
did, worked out great and you knew in your heart that it pleased God, then
a short time later, did the complete opposite? David was a boy chosen by
God to be king. A man after God's own heart who would do mighty deeds. He
slayed Goliath, *1Sam17:49 David put his hand into his bag and took out a
stone and slung it, and it struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone
penetrated his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground.* David fought
many battles victoriously, he was a warrior. But David was also a sinner.
He committed adultery and murder, *2Sam11:4 Then David sent messengers to
get her (Bathsheba). She came to him, and he slept with her...* For many we
can go from a mountaintop experience one moment and then end up laying in a
valley, broken and defeated the next, all because we took our focus off of
Jesus and His plans for us. Brethren, no matter where you are at today,
remember that God has a plan for your life, a purpose for your pain, and a
promise of forgiveness for your sin. May we put our past behind us, rise
and continue in the battle for the kingdom, and know that we will be
victorious! Closing thought, I read the end of the book, The Devil loses!


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