Friday, October 13, 2017

Be Obedient!

Obedience is better than sacrifice and also a lot more difficult. God
speaks in many different ways to people. Sometimes it is perfectly clear as
to what He wants us to do, sometimes we are nudged to do something and
other times we come to understand by someone else's leading. Jonah heard it
clear as to what he was called to do and made a conscious decision not to
obey and go completely the opposite direction. *Jonah1:1 Now the word of
the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,2 “Go to Nineveh, that
great city, and proclaim [judgment] against it, for their wickedness has
come up before Me.” 3 But Jonah ran away to Tarshish to escape from the
presence of the Lord [and his duty as His prophet].* I know that there have
been times in my life that God spoke to me, not as a loud powerful voice
that the world could hear, but a still small voice with clear direction.
Sometimes I listened and other times I tried to avoid what He had called me
to do. I desire to be obedient at all times and surrender to God's plan,
purpose and timing of events for my life. I will always wonder what
blessings I may have missed by not doing the things that God had asked me
to do or doing the things that He clearly told me not to do. May God help
us all, by the power of Holy Spirit, be obedient to the Father in all
things, in Jesus name, amen.


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