Saturday, October 7, 2017

Are you called a child of God?

There are many different "titles" that describe who I am. These range from
who I am in an earthly perspective to who I am in a heavenly perspective.
Some of these I am proud of and others not so much. I am a son, a brother,
a father, grandfather (a.k.a. Pa, Papa), a friend, a service manager, a
student, a Pastor, and a sinner in many different ways. I have been a
sinner longer than I have been a saint. My biggest struggle in life has
been to feel loved. I saw a picture that said something that touched my
heart. "I fell in love with Jesus because he loved me when I couldn't even
love myself". There have been times when my struggles and failures
overwhelm me to the point when I just want to quit. I know that this is the
enemies way to take me out of the fight. There are also many different
pressures that I deal with on the inside, that are very difficult for
others too understand because these "other people" have never walked in my
shoes and do not have any clue how to process what I have gone through and
what I am called to do. I also realize that I am not alone in these
struggles. There many many others that are going through the struggles of
life as well. I want to thank all of those that have prayed for me, reached
out to me, wanting to encourage and strengthen me. There are a couple a
Bible verses that God has given me that have encouraged me and I pray that
encourage you all as well in whatever you are going through. *1 John 1:9 If
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.* and the other is what I tend to
forget, *1 John 3:1 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on
us, that we should be called children of God!...*


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