Thursday, January 19, 2017

Who's with me?

2Peter1:3 For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything
necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and
personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.

I am convinced that on Judgment Day Jesus is going to ask us one question:
“Did you believe that I loved you?" - Brennan Manning. To live in such a
way that others know without a doubt that you love Jesus, is fanatical to
most people.There are many different parts to our lives, family, work,
ministry, thoughts of our future, fear and doubt, that change us. I have
lived through many dark days, when I felt all alone, and I believe that the
only reason I made it through and that I am alive today is because, I know,
that Jesus loves me. I want every part of my life to be used as a ministry
unto the Lord Jesus and consumed for His glory. There have been times when
I was not serious about my faith and yet God was still working in my life.
I am making a stand for Jesus and I am not going to allow the enemy to
distract me anymore. I heard it said, "God calls every man but not every
man answers the call." I profess to the world, that I am madly in love with
Jesus and ready to answer that call. Who's with me?


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