Sunday, January 29, 2017

Father knows best, before you act, ask!

Acts5:29 Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than
men [we have no other choice].

Cold hearted people who act like angels. Recently I have been contacted by
many different people from around the world and some from my very own city
asking for something. They tell me of their situation and the needs that
they have. My response is that I will pray and seek God about helping and
more importantly I will be praying for them to feel God's presence, peace,
and direction. I also let them know that I will be praying that God will
provide for their needs in one way or another. For some, they accept it and
join with me in prayer. For others, their hearts get hardened. Hardened
against me and probably against God. God answers prayers with 3 answers.
Yes, No, and Wait I have something better for you. Yes is good. No, can be
challenging to accept. Wait, is the one that gives me the most difficulty.
To give someone what they want is not always what they need from God.
Father knows best. Before you act, ask.


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