Monday, January 2, 2017

God gave it to me and I choked on it!

Exodus 16:3 "Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of
Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and ate bread until we were
full...4 Then
the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will cause bread to rain from heaven for

Advice for the younger people, learn from the mistakes of others, because
you cannot make them all yourselves. There was a time in my life and I have
heard also in the lives of others, that God had released a person from a
situation. May have been a relationship, drugs, alcohol, whatever it was,
and these people were marching to the promised land and thought about the
"good times" with what they had. The fond memories, and those memories were
clouded, they reentered a way of life that was destructive and bondage. The
people of Israel were out of Egypt, out of bondage by the hand of God. They
complained crying out for the pots of meat and eating the bread till they
were full, forgetting about the other parts of their situation. God had
something better for them, bread from heaven, and today, has something
better each of His children. I cried out for something that God did not
want for me, the pots of meat from Egypt, and God gave it to me and I
choked on it. Brethren, keep your eyes on Jesus and keep marching toward
the promised land.


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