Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Not my will, but Yours be done!

Luke22:42 saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine
wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.”

If God takes you to it, He will take you through it. There are many things
that we go through everyday that we stop and ask "Why?". Why did I get
sick? Why did I lose my job? Why is my life so difficult? Why did someone
that I love die? I do not know all the answers, but I know who does, God,
and I trust Him. Sometimes, as we go through life, that is all we do, go
through. I have learned that whatever I go through that God has a purpose.
I admit, that I am not always "Happy", but I try to have joy in my trials.
I look in the scriptures and read of saints that died, Isaiah was sawed in
half, John the Baptist was beheaded, Stephen was stoned, and there were so
many more. I pray for boldness to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News of the
Lord Jesus till my dying day. I pray for endurance to finish the race
strong. I pray for strength to stand up and fight for what is right. I ask
for wisdom to know what to do and how to do it all by Holy Spirit's
guidance. I ask for the ability to say to God, "not My will, but [always]
Yours be done.” I pray this for myself and for all the saints, in Jesus
precious and powerful name, amen.


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